Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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Woodland Mulching





Archived 2001 News, Issues & Information

(12/22/01) Southern Forests Discussed in Atlanta Journal-Constitution

(12/21/01) Forest Landowners' Guide to the Federal Income Tax: Ag Handbook #718 is available in PDF file online or printed copy can be mailed to you for $10.

(12/21/01) Wanted to Lease: 50 acres in Central Alabama for Deer Hunting. Contact Glenn Keedy at (205) 226-4062 or 

(12/18/01) Tree Planting, TSI & Site Prep Cost-Share Money Available in Alabama. "The USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced a sign-up for the Forestry Incentives Program (FIP) from February 4 to February 15, 2002, at local offices. Approximately $450,000 is available for cost-sharing in Alabama for Fiscal Year 2002. FIP supports good forest management practices on privately owned, non-industrial forest lands. It is designed to benefit the environment while meeting future demands for wood products. Cost-sharing is available for tree planting, timber stand improvement, and site preparation for natural regeneration. For more information about the FY-2002 FIP sign-up, call or visit your local NRCS Office."

(12/03/01) Southern Forest Resource Assessment: North Carolina Statement

(11/12/01) An Interesting Proposal: "Seeking an investor to loan money. I am purchasing approximately 100 acres of forest land in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, and can pay a return of 6.5% interest on your investment. For more information, contact '3-Cross Unincorporated' at (334)502-0974 or email at" Editor's note: AFOA does not endorse the loan seeker, but we thought you might find his idea of interest. Be sure to thoroughly check references of anyone seeking to borrow money from you.

(10/27/01) Green-Watch.Com keeps a watchful eye leadership, activities, and funding of over 500 non-profit environmental advocacy groups.

(10/15/01) Shedding Some Light on CARA.

(09/22/01) Private Landowners in California May Have to Get State's Permission to Harvest Old Trees.

(09/07/01) Mischief By Creative Lawyers: "Global Warming May Bring New Variety of Class Action"

(08/25/01) Two in a Row! Alabama 4-H Teams Win National Competitions (AFOA is a proud sponsor of this program.)

(08/13/01) 19.3% Preliminary Countervailing Duty on Canadian Lumber Announced by U.S. Department of Commerce

(08/07/01) The Truth About the Environment

(08/04/01) EPA Has Published draft TMDLs for Hurricane Creek and Little Hurricane Creek in the Tuscaloosa area of the Black Warrior River Basin.

(08/01/01) will make you wish you had a DSL line.

(07/29/01) The [New Zealand] forestry industry and the Government are at loggerheads over the benefits of the Kyoto Protocol compromise reached this week.

(07/29/01) Financial Analysis Software from Mississippi State University is Available Online.

(07/25/01) MORE ON --> Sustainable or Certified Forestry?

(07/25/01) Conservation Easements (How a property owner becomes a tenant)

(07/23/01) A Mike Dunn Update on the Canadian Softwood Lumber Agreement

(07/23/01) U.S. Housing Starts - June 2001

(07/19/01) Southern Pine Beetle Situation Report - Alabama Forestry Commission

(07/11/01) A pine beetle outbreak has some in north Florida calling for the kind of state intervention used on citrus canker: destruction of infested trees on private lands without the owners' permission.

(07/06/01) Forest Certification: An Important Perspective

(07/05/01) U. S. Supreme Court Rules That "Takings" Are Not Wiped Out By Change Of Ownership

(06/29/01) Remember TMDLs? Read a report from the National Academy of Sciences.

(06/25/01) The Urge to Merge contains several great articles. We especially liked Focused growth and a shift to "ebasics" and Why investors are drawn to timberland.

(06/23/01) Taxation, Regulation & Fragmentation of Forestland, a paper by consulting forester Keville Larson.

(06/14/01) " will combine the research of Canadian, U.S. and United Nations forestry resources in an effort to educate people on the value forests provide, as well as efforts across North America to sustainably manage these forests for future generations." 

(06/04/01) PERC Advises Bush Administration on Environmental Policy. PERC's Donald Leal was guest of AFOA news conference, 4/13/01.

(05/31/01) Tuscaloosa County Zoning Legislation To Be Introduced by State Rep. Tim Parker in Special Session Which Begins June 25. If you want to "discuss" county zoning with an AFOA member, send email note to Clark Moore. Representative Parker's phone number is (205)345-7657. (pdf reader at bottom of page)

(05/29/01) Back to the Wetlands

(05/02/01) Forestry Programs for Your Palm Pilot - Code listed on Dr. Harry Wiant's Web Page. Scroll down to "Forestry Programs for the Palm."

(04/06/01) Canada-U.S. in a wood war.

(04/06/01) Senator Jeff Sessions Introduced Legislation to Amend Internal Revenue Service Code Section 631(b). Click here to read more about why we need to revise Section 631(b). To read the legislation, open Thomas here and insert S. 567 in the "by bill number" search box. The bill is very short.

(04/05/01) Considering County Zoning? Read this story from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

(03/22/01) Tax Information Waiting for Your Visit:

(03/16/01) When should a landowner seek professional help? A good time is before conducting a timber harvest.

(02/24/01) Forest Landowners Association Urges Action By Landowners on Canadian Softwood Imports.  Also, click here for March 31 Rally.

(02/15/01) Hunter Jason Lucas wants to lease 200 to 300 acres in Wilcox, Clarke, or Monroe Counties and a similar amount in Dallas or Lowndes Counties. Send him an email note if you have something for him.

(02/07/01) Read a Report on Hardwood Crop Tree Management in West Virginia by Arlyn Perkey and Amy Onken. According to consulting forester Karl Davies, Perkey has "been researching the biology and economics of crop tree management for years. This is a 10 year progress report. And guess what? Yep, those crop trees grew faster than the 3-5% per year in value that forestry bureaucrats figure they grow at. The range was 15-20% PER YEAR including grade and market value increases." (More from Arlyn Perkey.)

(02/06/01) An Auburn Forestry Professor Writes About the U.S./Canadian Softwood Lumber Agreement. Editor's note: a sawmill operator called AFOA today and is sure that cheap Canadian lumber will cause many sawmills in the South to go out of business, thus destroying our market for pine sawtimber. Also, listen to Debbie Burns discuss the issue during AFOA's January 17 News Conference. Is there a way for forest owners to discourage the Canadian governments from dumping their lumber in our region? Send your suggestions to AFOA.

(02/01/01) "Most polled believe state taxes are fair."

(01/26/01) State legislators with forestry and timber interests are common in U.S. We've found most Alabama legislators with forestry or timber interests have been sympathetic to our interests. The above information on legislators is deep inside Thanks for the heads-up go to Citizen ALERT.

(01/26/01) Learn more about the group that forced Home Depot to stop buying lumber grown on non-certified forestland.

(01/14/01) Even oaks have a home on the Internet: Visit the Web Page of the International Oak Society.

(01/10/01) Supreme Court Rules In Favor of Landowners in Railbed Dispute.

(01/02/01) A review of the Forest History Society web page may help you plan for the future.

(01/01/01) Scrap Your Plans for a Medical Savings Account.

Archived News, Issues & Information from 2000