Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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Woodland Mulching





Archived 2011 News, Issues & Information

(12/16/11) Wood is Good!

(12/02/11) Federal gasoline & diesel taxes are systematically diverted from productive construction and maintenance of roads and bridges. Timber trapped behind unusable roads and bridges is devalued. Will this be a problem for your land? Or is it already? According to co-author Pam Villarreal, an amendment to Alabama's state constitution will not allow state-level fuel taxes to be used for bike trails, roadside wildflowers, light rail projects, etc. That's a plus.

(08/16/11) Alabama Forest Recovery Task Force Landowner Program. For those landowners who are considering replanting after tornado damaged areas have been cleaned up, it might be good to watch Dr. Ken McNabb's presentation.

(08/03/11) In Oregon, high tech tool used for wildfire detection. Source:,

(07/29/11) "25,000 Visitors a Year" -- Flow trails might be good way to bring mountain biking income to some north Alabama landowners. Source: The Wall Street Journal, July 27, 2011

(06/30/11) Alabama Forest Recovery Task Force Public Landowner Meetings -- Agenda and Dates & Locations beginning July 18 in Tuscaloosa. The Alabama Forest Recovery Task Force has a website at

(06/13/11) "Zero out capital gains. Zero out the alternative minimum tax. Zero out the death tax." Source: Rep. Michele Bachmann as quoted in The Wall Street Journal, 6/11/11.

(06/08/11) No Burn Order Declared by Governor Bentley. Source: Alabama Forestry Commission, 6/7/11

(06/07/11) Claiming a Timber Casualty Loss by Deborah A. Gaddis, Ph.D., Capital Ideas, June 2011, page 4.

(06/06/11) A treat for your imagination: Climbing Robot Feels Its Way Up A Tree. Source: New Scientist TV, 5/26/11.

(05/18/11) Aerial Imagery of Tornado Damaged Forestland -- links to maps, photos, & hints on how to use -- NOAA Cartographer Jon Sellars on Capital Ideas - Live!

(05/03/11 Can I Deduct Timber Losses? -- a power point presentation by Dr. John L. Greene, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station.

(05/03/11) When a Tornado Strikes: Steps to Claim a Timber Casualty Loss by David Mercker, Extension Forester, Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Tennessee. Dr. Mercker was a guest on AFOA's May 2008 issue of Capital Ideas - Live! when he discussed "claiming a timber casualty loss." To listen to his comments and read the information that supported his interview, Click Here.

(05/03/11) Dealing with Storm Damaged Timber -- see related links.

(04/12/11) "Remember, none of these Forever Wild properties pay taxes. Therefore, every acre placed under their control is removed from the tax rolls. This means that the remaining property owners must pay higher taxes to make up the short fall or local services and needed government functions such as police and fire protection must be curtailed." Source: Talking Point #5, [Lawmaker] Call List & Forever Wild Talking Points, Alliance for Citizen Rights & Take Back Alabama, 4/12/11. Source posted from

(04/01/11) Federal Government Proposes 8,166 Acre Expansion of Grand Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Mississippi and Mobile County, Alabama. Federal, State, & Local Agencies will meet on April 14 at 5 Rivers -- Alabama's Delta Resource Center. We suggest you send your comments to Alabama State Forester Linda Casey ( so that she may include them with the Alabama Forestry Commission's response to the proposed expansion. Please read: Department of the Interior letter to Alabama State Forester; Map of proposed expansion area; 205 Page Draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment.

(03/24/11) Jefferson County Federation of Teachers spokesperson advocates higher forestland taxes for Alabama landowners. A member of the Alabama Forest Owners' Association brought this video to AFOA's attention. We thought the rest of our members and other Alabama forest landowners would be interested/alarmed in watching it. Please alert AFOA to news stories that may be of interest to forestland owners. This video has been edited in length from the original.

If you would like to let WBRC-FOX6 know your opinion about this video please direct your comments to:

Lou Kirchen, General Manager, WBRC-FOX6
P. O. Box 6
Birmingham, AL 35201
(205) 583-4343



(02/28/11) Markets for Wisconsin Paper Products Threatened by Governor's Efforts to Repeal Collective Bargaining Rights. Forest Stewardship Council certification of Wisconsin forestland requires "adherence with internationally-recognized labor standards, including the rights of workers to collectively bargain."  Source: Ashland Current, 2/22/11

(02/2/11) $320 million down the drain in Georgia; commercial cellulosic ethanol plant closes. Source: Georgia Public Broadcasting, 1/12/11. We wonder how long it will take the newly announced Greene County, Alabama cellulosic ethanol plant to run through $250 million and announce its closure? Source: Birmingham Business Journal, 1/20/11.

(01/17/11) Shelby Moms Against Raising Taxes (SMART) has created a website to provide a perspective to a 30 mill county property tax different from that of the Board of Education's. The tax will be on the ballot on February 8. See AFOA's Calendar of Events. Update (1/18/11) "Group urges citizens to say no to property tax renewal" Source: Shelby County Reporter.

(01/10/11) Updated Version of Tax Tips for Forest Landowners for the 2010 Tax Year (to be in agreement with changes from the newly enacted tax law on December 17, 2010 -- Public Law 111-312).

(01/06/11) "Industrial giant Georgia-Pacific has climbed in bed with radical extremist groups." Source: Western Institute for Study of the Environment.

(01/03/11) Forest2Market Economic Outlook reports, "Those who are predicting a 2013 or 2014 recovery for housing appear to be on the right track." If housing improves, can stumpage prices be far behind?