2018 AFOA
Annual Meeting
All videos from this year's annual
meeting presentations are available (click on the
Video Available links under the topic you're interested in
to get to the video). Many of the presentations listed below will also feature a
short bio of each speaker and the PowerPoint slides used in the
presentation. If the presentation has a Powerpoint slides link, it will open in a separate browser window so
you can flip through the full sized slides at your leisure. If your browser
opens another tab instead of a new window, right click on the 'Powerpoint
Slides' link, and select 'Open in a new window'.
You may have to turn your volume up on some
Saturday April 28, 2018
Managing for Quality White Oaks
Dr. David C. Mercker, University of Tennessee,
Extension Forestry
Video 1
Video Available
PowerPoint Slides (In Video)
Managing for Quality Hardwoods
Dr. Callie Schweitzer, US Forest Service Southern
Research Station, Huntsville
Video 2
Video Available
PowerPoint Slides (In Video)
Chronic Wasting Disease -
Potential Economic Impact for Landowners & Alabama
Keith Gauldin, Alabama Department of Conservation &
Natural Resources
Video 3
Video Available
Slides (In Video)
Where We Are & Where We Might Go:
Alabama's Forests and Economic Development
Dan Chappell, Forest Inventory & Analysis, Alabama
Forestry Commission
Gary Faulkner, Forest Economic Development, Alabama
Forestry Commission
Video 4
Video Available
PowerPoint Slides (In Video)
Biography - Chappell
Biography - Faulkner
For the Politically Concerned:
Chris Isaacson, Alabama Forestry Association
Video 5
Video Available
Slides (In Video)
Bring the Kids Along for the Ride
- because they'll soon be driving
Molly Gregg, 4-H and Youth Development, Alabama
Extension System
Video 6
Video Available
Slides (In Video)
A Shared Vision: The Defense of
Private Property
Dr. Keith D. Malone, Professor of Economics, University
of North Alabama
Video 7
Video Available
Slides (In Video)
The Federal Income Tax - Basic
Information for Forest Owners
James G. Brazil, JamisonMoneyFarmer PC
Video 8
Video Available
Slides (In Video)
Boots on the Ground - A Panel
Discussion with Consulting Foresters
Dr. Adam Maggard, Auburn University School of Forestry
& Wildlife Sciences
Joseph E. Rigsby, RF, ACF, Consulting Forester
Jon R. Ingram, RF, Consulting Forester
Arthia "Billy" Rye, RF, ACF, Forest Management
Specialists, Inc.
John Ross Havard, RF, National Land Realty
Video 9
Video Available
Slides (None)
Biography / Maggard /
Rigsby /
Ingram /
Rye /
JamisonMoneyFarmer PC
Stephenson Land Services, LLC
Estate Management Services, Inc.
AL Chapter of Association of Consulting Foresters
Meeks' Farms & Nursery, Inc.
American Forest Management
Alabama Ag/Farm Credit
First South Farm Credit
GNW Productions
Fowler Auction & Real Estate
The Nelson Paint Company
Asset Management Partners, Inc.
ArborGen, Inc.
McKinley & Lanier Forest Resources
Ameriprise Financial
Great Southern Land, LLC
Forest Management Specialists, Inc.
Outdoor Underwriters, Inc.
ArborGen, Inc.
American Forest Management
Alabama Ag/Farm Credit
Lake Majestik, LLC
First South Farm Credit