Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

Services & Supplies Categories

Aerial Photographs, GIS, & Maps

Certified Public Accountants

Chemical Vegetation Management

Consulting Forester
Member ACF

Consulting Forester

Family Wealth Management

Forestry Equipment, Portable Sawmills, & Tools

Hunting Gear, Guns, etc.


Land For Sale

Land Management

Nuisance Wildlife Control

Pond Management

Posted Signs

Real Estate Appraisals

Real Estate Loans

Timber Buyer

Timber Market Pricing Service

Timber Sale Assistance

Tree Planting Equipment & Services

Tree Seed For Sale

Tree Seedlings For Sale

Woodland Mulching





Website Advertising Price Structure & Options

Group page listing or Single page listing

Advertisers Contact Information Form


Group page listing

The Services & Supplies page is organized by category (Examples: Consulting Forester, Pine Straw Production, Aerial Photographs, Tree Seedlings For Sale, etc.). Each advertiser may be listed under one or more categories. When a visitor clicks on an advertiser's name from the Services & Supplies page or from the left border under the Services & Supplies Categories which appear on every web page on our site they are taken to that advertiser's Group page listing which is structured in the following manner.

The Base* unit will cost $75. The listing is placed on a page with all the other Group page listings. It consists of:
        Company Name
        Contact Name
        Address Line 1
        Address Line 2
        Phone number
        Cell number
        Fax number

You may add additional items that are listed below:

Email $40
Website $65
Additional name and/or number $20
Link from an additional category $75

In summary, it will cost $180 per year to list the Base unit, one email, and one website on the Services & Supplies page under one category or as little as $75 per year to list the Base unit alone.  We prorate our Services & Supplies page ads. Please call or email before sending payment.

Listings for year 2024 will run from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

* The Base unit is required.

To see a Group page listing, click here.

Printer friendly form to fill out and send to AFOA. (pdf)

Contact Us

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Single page listing

The Services & Supplies page is organized by category (Examples: Consulting Forester, Pine Straw Production, Aerial Photographs, Tree Seedlings For Sale, etc.). Each advertiser may be listed under one or more categories. When a visitor clicks on an advertiser's name from the Services & Supplies page or from the left border under the Services & Supplies Categories which appear on every web page on our site, they are taken to that advertisers' Single page listing which is structured in the manner below. To see a sample of a single page listing, Click Here. To see an actual Single page listing, Click here.

The Base unit will cost $300. The Base Unit is on it's own page with an ad size of 830pixels (width) x 750pixels (height) and consists of:
        Company Name
        Contact Name
        Address Line 1
        Address Line 2
        Phone number
        Cell number
        Fax number
        Description - edited to fit within the ad dimensions, 830pixels
(width) x 750pixels (height)

You may add any of the additional items listed below. There is no charge for the additional items except for the Link from an additional category. As long as your ad stays within the specified ad size of , 830pixels
(width) x 750pixels (height), there is no additional charge. If you need more room than the 750pixel height our ad allows, then AFOA charges $1.00 for every pixel of height increase you need. We cannot increase the width for any Single Page listing.

Email/link $0
Website/link $0
Video embed $0
Link from an additional category $75
Picture - Logo/each $0

In summary, it will cost $300 per year to list the Base unit and as many other items and as much of a description as we can fit within the defined ad size (described above) on a Single page listing under one category.  We prorate our Services & Supplies page ads. Please call or email before sending payment.

Listings for year 2024 will run from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

* The Base unit is required.

To see the Services & Supplies page, press Services & Supplies in the navigation bar (grey) or click a category on the upper left side of the page.

Printer friendly form to fill out and send to AFOA. (pdf)

Contact Us

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