Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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JUNE 2009 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by the Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
This Conference was recorded on JUNE 17, 2009.

to Listen to the
This conference is in .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

Hayes D. Brown   Alabama Forest Owners' Association

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner, will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Tony Kinton

Hear Conference

Clearcuts Can Be Beautiful

Tony Kinton is a teacher, a fisherman, a hunter, a forest owner, an author, and more. "God has truly blessed me!" he writes in his introductory bio. Tony caught our attention in an article he wrote for Quality Whitetails, a Quality Deer Management Association publication. Written for a hunter audience which may not like the looks of a clearcut, Tony began Clearcuts Can Be Beautiful with, "So let's attempt to calm any unreasonable fears held by hunters and replace them with a long list of positive attributes common to clearcuts." 

From a sidebar on the last page of the article we quote: Proper habitat management is important for successful deer management programs. In forested environments habitat quality is partly governed by the tree species present and their range of age classes. A range of age classes is important as mature forests only produce 50 to 100 pounds of browse per acre while early successional habitats, such as those created by clearcuts, can produce 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of browse per acre. Given the average deer eats approximately 2,000 pounds of forage per year, it is clear that early successional habitats provide a lot more forage and can sustain many more deer than mature forests.

Phone: (601) 267-8242


Derek Dougherty

Hear Conference

It's a good time to plant trees

Derek Dougherty, CEO of Dougherty & Dougherty Forestry Services, Inc., a full service consulting forestry company based in Athens, Georgia. According to a survey conducted by the Georgia Forestry Commission, U.S. tree planting has fallen from a high of about 2.5 million acres in 1988 to 1.25 million acres in 2007. Part of the reason for the recent decline has been a reduction in harvests (and plantable areas) caused by reduced demand for lumber, but another cause for reduced tree planting may be landowner insecurity -- concern that demand for "forest products may never return." Derek says, "Not to worry." Demand for forest products is inherently sound and will return in a big way as world population increases and the current oversupply of housing stock is used up. Derek is also very excited about new advances in genetic technology and silviculture that can help us consistently grow better trees faster. To make sure we have a market for our wood, he recommends active membership in organizations like Forest Landowners Association which lobbies Congress in our behalf.

Magazine articles by Derek Dougherty:

Phone: 1-888-285-0947


Aimee Hess

Hear Conference

Pipeline Easements

Aimee Hess is a Texas real estate, oil and gas, and construction attorney. We read about her and her advice in the May 2009 issue of The Progressive Farmer magazine. "Aimee Hess says she's seen landowners get 'skinned up a dozen ways and not even know it.' when dealing with these easement negotiations themselves." She "often represents landowners faced with selling an easement to a large pipeline company." "I want landowners to know the pipeline company is your adversary in this negotiation." Ms. Hess has an active website at Because she is not licensed to practice law in Alabama, she recommends a visit or call to the Alabama Bar Association's referral service at or call toll-free: 1-800-392-5660.

Recommended homework:

Phone: 1-888-818-5880


Rich Donnell

Hear Conference

Wood Bioenergy Magazine

Rich Donnell is the Editor at Hatton-Brown Publishers, "the world's leading publisher of forest products industry business magazines," based in Montgomery, Alabama. Earlier this month an AFOA member called and described a great new magazine he had just received. "It's as good as my expensive Kiplinger's Biofuels Market Alert and it's free!" Now Hatton-Brown's new wood bioenergy magazine may not be free to everyone, but we are sure that it will present information on wood bioenergy in a thorough and professional manner.

wood bioenergy magazine overview plus a subscription application

Phone: (334) 834-1170


Mark D. Bedsole

Hear Conference

New Forestry Radio Show

Mark Bedsole is a partner in Canebrake Forestry, LLC, based in Demopolis, Alabama. Motivated by a desire to tell the public about the value of forests and forestry, Mark has started a radio show called Forestry Views. The 30-minute talk show format will feature a variety guests and topics and is broadcast on 104.9 FM WSLY in York at 8:00 AM every Saturday. Forestry Views has its own page on Canebrake Forestry's website, and includes a tab for past shows and upcoming topics. You will be able to listen to past shows on your computer or ipod -- two are available at this time. Future shows will, when appropriate, be listed in AFOA's newsletter Calendar of Events and on our Web Calendar.

Phone: (334) 289-1146


Don Parmeter

Hear Conference

Definition Threatens Property Rights

Don Parmeter is the co-chair of the National Water and Conservation Alliance, a group established to promote local and regional alternatives to the proposed Clean Water Restoration Act. Up until now, most forest owners in Alabama have not concerned themselves with Clean Water Act regulations. We don't clearcut streamside management zones anymore and after timber harvest we install waterbars on sloping skid trails. A nationwide silvicultural exemption has saved us the inconvenience and cost of applying for harvesting or tree planting permits. The Clean Water Act only covered "navigable waters," not all water everywhere. But now, after two Supreme Court decisions (SWANCC--2001 and Rapanos--2006) narrowed the definition of "navigable," passage of the Clean Water Restoration Act (S 787) may limit the use and management of our land considerably. Read Don's latest Action Alert. If you would like to receive future alerts from him, send him a note. Don works closely with the American Land Rights Association and suggests you check their website for added information.

Phone: (651) 224-6219


Dr. Lori G. Eckhardt

Hear Conference

Forest Health Cooperative

Lori Eckhardt is Co-Director of the Forest Health Dynamics Laboratory and Director of the Forest Health Cooperative, both at Auburn University. The mission of the co-op is, "To address important, current and pertinent forest health issues (Disease, Insect, Invasive species) in a way that addresses real world management problems in the southern United States." The co-op currently has 19 members (large landowners, TIMOs, agencies, etc.) who support it with membership fees ranging from $500 to $8,000 per year. Most forest owners will come in contact with the co-op through educational programs such as a three-day short course scheduled for August 4 - 6 in Auburn or Dr. Eckhardt's Capital Ideas - Live! discussion of Pine Root Rot in September 2007. Also, while looking over the co-op's website, we found an interesting summary of Alabama Forest Disease and Insect Pests that will give you an appreciation of the cause of some forest health problems.

Phone: (334) 844-2720


Dr. Michael A. Dunn

Hear Conference

Marketing and Selling Your Timber

Mike Dunn, back in January 2001, told us to "Take Control of Your Next Timber Sale." In his publication,  Marketing and Selling Your Timber, Mike lists several marketing characteristics that many of us overlook:
    o  Timber volume
    o  Tract size
    o  Access to tract
    o  Proximity to main roads
    o  Attractiveness of the site itself
    o  Clearly marked harvest trees
    o  Number of bidders
    o  Contract length
    o  Local ordinances
    o  Use of a professional forester

Be sure to read the section entitled: The Advantages of Receiving Bids. AFOA maintains a large list of timber buyers that you and your consulting forester will find useful.

Click here for a Sample Timber Sale Contract referred to at the bottom of page 7, above -- link is temporarily broken in the publication.

Phone: (225) 578-0344
