Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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November 2004 News Conference for Forest Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference was recorded November 17, 2004.

to Listen to the

This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Dr. William L. Hoover


Income and Estate Tax Reform: The Possibilities

Bill Hoover is the Assistant Department Head and a Professor of Forestry, Extension Coordinator at the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University, and Director of the National Timber Tax Website. In addition, he is co-author of the Forest Owner's Guide to the Federal Income Tax. We asked Professor Hoover to speculate on what tax law and other legislative changes landowners can expect, and what we should push for, during the second Bush administration.

Upcoming Tax Courses Available

Phone: (765) 494-3580


Henry Barclay, III, CPA


Creating a Positive Family Legacy

Henry Barclay managing partner of Lehmann, Ullman & Barclay, LLP, which is a  Birmingham firm with three generations of experience assisting the owners of forestland with their income and estate tax problems, He is also a past president of the Alabama Forest Owners’ Association, a chairman of the Forest Land Owners Tax Council and a board member and treasurer of the Forest History Society. Going beyond the usual role of tax counselor, Barclay takes on a more personal approach with landowners by informing them of the importance of building strong family relations for the security of the family's estate holdings. Barclay believes that if landowners can create memorable experiences on the family lands with their children and/or grandchildren by using fun forest management activities, then they can build a successful, positive family legacy. This will not only contribute to a smoother transition and transfer of the family estate later on, but will hopefully encourage the younger generation to take on an interest in the property itself and the responsibilities involved.

Phone: (205) 328-5966


Samuel W. Jackson


Natural Resource Education - Online

Sam Jackson is a Coordinator with the Agricultural Extension Service in the Department of Forestry, Wildlife, and Fisheries at the University of Tennessee. He is responsible for coordinating the development of the National Web-Based Learning Center for Private Forest and Range Landowners. The Center is seeking to provide a self-paced learning format that will allow you to improve your knowledge of  natural resources. Jackson explains what this program provides, how it works, and gives an example of how one of several learning modules currently available can help you become a better land manager.   

Other Available Modules:

Phone: (865) 974-2946


Dr. Grant Woods,  Ph.D.


Hurricane Ivan Forces Hunting Changes This Winter

Grant Woods is a wildlife biologist and owner of Woods and Associates, Inc., a private wildlife management consulting firm located in Reeds Spring, Missouri. The unpredictability of natural disasters or other sudden environmental changes can cause landowners to be unprepared for possible changes in their wildlife management practices. Adaptability is the key. Woods explains how you and your hunters might change management activities in reaction to the severe hurricane blow-down of this year's acorn crop, an important source of nutrition for many wildlife species.

Phone: (417) 334-3441


Dr. Scott Enebak


Sudden Oak Death: Should We Be Concerned?

Scott Enebak is a Forest Pathologist at Auburn University's School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences. Sudden Oak Death is caused by Phytophthora ramorum, a fungal pathogen that has killed a large number of oak trees in California since it was first detected in 1995. But, is this something with which landowners in the southeastern part of the country should be concerned? Enebak answers that question, explains the logistics of Sudden Oak Death, the status of the disease in the United States, what will happen if the fungus gets established in the eastern United States and what we can do to protect our forests if that happens.

Some General Symptoms on Oak

  • Flamed out crowns - the leaves turn brown suddenly and stay on the branch for up to a year following death
  • Cankers form on main trunk and branches
  • Ooze from cankers is sticky, very dark reddish and smells fermented

More on Sudden Oak Death:

Phone: (334) 844-1028


Dennis R. LeBleu, RF, ACF


Avoid Chainsaw Massacre: Pulpwood Marking Versus Operator-Select

Dennis LeBleu is the branch manager of F & W Forestry Services in Phenix City, Alabama. The most important goal of thinning a pulpwood stand is to improve the quality and growth of the trees that remain after the logging is finished. Dennis explains why carefully marking timber to be cut before the logger enters a tract will result in a better thinning job with less mistakes. LeBleu explains some of the reasons timber stands are marked for select cutting, some of the advantages of select-marking timber stands rather than letting the operator make the selection. He even offers specifics, such as whether it is worth the extra cost to select mark on a low value product like pulpwood in first thinnings, including some of the costs involved. Good rule of thumb: the person with the chainsaw should not be the decision maker on what gets cut!

Phone: (334) 297-8817


Dr. Kenneth MacDicken, Ph.D.


Stereo Digital Aerial Imagery: A Whole New Dimension

Kenneth MacDicken is the Director of Forest Management Services for Winrock International in Turners Falls, Massachusetts. "Winrock International is a global team dedicated to increasing long-term productivity, equity, and responsible resource management." To accomplish their goals, Winrock specialists frequently use 3-D aerial imagery ("pictures" of forest or farm taken from a plane or satellite). Viewing aerial photos in 3-D (the old way) required overlapping photos (stereo coverage is requested when ordering photos) and a stereo viewer, but digital imagery can be manipulated by software to allow us to view the 3-D imagery much more comfortably on our computer monitors (special stereo viewer required). 

To help us understand the value of 3-D imagery, MacDickens sent us four images that you can view on your computer monitor --- but you will need some special equipment. A set of red/blue glasses will be included with the next issue of Capital Ideas, AFOA's monthly newsletter, to all Sustaining and First Class members. Other members may call AFOA at (205) 987-8811 and a pair of the special glasses will be mailed to you  If you like what you see and plan on buying 3-D (stereo) color imagery of your land, you can purchase special glasses that improve the viewing experience.

Click on the images to enlarge them. (red lens over left eye)

Bolivia - post logging

Peru - logging gap


Mississippi - tree stands


Phone: (413) 863-3087
