Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

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Chemical Vegetation Management

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Tree Seedlings For Sale

Woodland Mulching






August 18, 2004 News Conference for Forest Owners Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc. Conference was recorded August 18, 2004.

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cilhayes.jpg (3561 bytes)

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Darius W. Dynkowski


 Court Rules in Favor of Property Rights

Darius Dynkowski is a  partner with the Law Offices of Ackerman & Ackerman in Troy, Michigan, a firm well-known for its handling of eminent domain and condemnation proceedings. In 1981 the Michigan Supreme Court, in a ruling that upheld the taking of the homes, churches and businesses of 4,200 Poletown residents in order to build a car factory, set a far-reaching dangerous precedent. That ruling has been used to justify condemnation proceedings across the U.S. by numerous private developers and municipalities for the past two decades. Late last month, the Michigan Supreme Court reversed the 1981 decision and made the statement that "What's good for General Motors wasn't so good for the people -- and it sure didn't justify violating their 'sacrosanct' Constitutional property rights."

News & Commentary Before the Decision

News & Commentary After the Decision

Phone: (248) 537-1155x107


Paula G. Best


Preventing Accidents and Reducing Liability

Paula Best is the unit claims manager for Southeastern Claims and the Davis-Garvin Agency, Inc in Columbia, South Carolina. Davis-Garvin provides AFOA's group hunting lease liability insurance policy and Paula is responsible for the investigation and handling of hunting lease accident claims covered by that policy. She shares her expertise in this area by describing the most common accidents that occur on hunt lease lands, what hunt clubs can do to reduce the frequency of accidents and prevent the possibility of being named in a lawsuit as well as what landowners can do to reduce potential liability risks on their property.

Phone: (803) 732-0060x118


Amanda Wood


Game Harvest Records Improve Management & Lease Price

Amanda Wood is a wildlife biologist and the owner of Woodlands & Wildlife Consultants, LLC based in Fortson, Georgia. The firm provides wildlife and timber consulting services to private landowners. She has an innovative and provocative idea for landowners: require your hunting clubs to keep accurate harvest records in order to improve habitat management and to determine the value of the hunting experience. When we first heard it, we thought, "What a great idea!" But then we began to wonder how a landowner could convince his lessees to gather and share information that might be used to raise their lease prices. Today she answers that question and explains how the process of harvest record keeping works.

Phone: (706) 568-8412


Thomas N. Urban


Clonal Research Ready for Planting in Alabama

Tom Urban is the President and CEO of CellFor, based in Vancouver, British Columbia. "CellFor is the world’s first independent producer of high- yield conifer seed, and a pioneer in the commercial application of advanced seed technology [somatic embryogenesis] in forestry. Through its proprietary methods, CellFor can produce selected seeds more quickly, more dependably and in greater quantities than those which are possible with traditional tree breeding practices. CellFor’s technology is accomplished without the use of genetic engineering." Seedlings are available in Alabama from Red River Specialties, Inc.

Phone: (604) 602-9229


Dr. Keith L. Belli


Timber Volume Estimates: What are the tools?

Keith Belli is the Associate Dean of the College of Forest Resources and a professor at the Department of Forestry at Mississippi State University. Most of us have asked a forester to visit our forestland to estimate timber volumes and values, but few of us know what measurements he made and what tools he used to make the measurements. Dr. Belli describes several "timber cruising" tree measurements and the tools used to make them.

Timber Cruising Tools
Diameter Height Length & Distance
Biltmore stick Clinometers Haglof DME
Diameter tapes Tangent Height Gauge Loggers Tape
Diameter tapes (2) Electronic clinometers Plot diameter tapes
Calipers (2)    

Phone: (662) 325-2778


Dr. Robert J. Ross


High Tech Gadget Looks Inside Trees for Quality

Bob Ross is a Project Leader with the USDA Forest Service's Forest Products Laboratory in Madison, Wisconsin. Using his research that focused on developing non-intrusive, field testing methods to evaluate the quality of wood in standing timber, buildings, and historic structures, he created a device that uses a nondestructive method of determining tree stiffness using acoustics. Ross explains why it is important to test wood, describes the acoustical technology, how his newly developed tool works, and some of the benefits of using this technology. Ross' handheld device, the Director ST 300, can be obtained by contacting Peter Carter at (503) 598-4708 or

Phone: (608) 231-9200


Frank Corley


Reforestation Contracts and Considerations

Frank Corley is president of Woodlands Specialists, Inc., Chapman, Alabama. The company does tree planting and site preparation work on thousands of acres each year and is highly respected as an innovator in the field. Frank discusses contract stipulations landowners should consider when hiring a vendor for tree planting and site preparation to make sure all the landowner's needs are properly met. (AFOA recommends the use of a contract when using a vendor to plant trees)

Other requirements to make of your vendor:

  • That the planting equipment be capable of creating proper planting slits
  • That the seedlings planted meet the minimum criteria
  • That the seedlings be properly transported, stored and handled at all times
  • That the planting process be performed during suitable weather conditions and that all seedlings are planted correctly
  • That the planting be completed by a certain date
  • That the amount of correctly planted seedlings per acre must be met before any payment is made

Phone: (334) 376-9707


 Thomas G. Harris, Jr.


Quality Timber Product Market Remains Steady

Tom Harris is a professor of Forest Business Management and Forest Resource Policy at Warnell School of Forest Resources in Athens, Georgia. Also, he is the publisher of Timber Mart-South, a forest products price service which provides timber supply and market information. AFOA members should watch for Timber Mart-South price information in the upper left corner of page 2 in our monthly newsletter. For a thorough review of market conditions during the second quarter of 2004, we suggest you read Tom's Market Newsletter (pdf format).

Phone: (706) 542-2832
