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February 2004 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, February 18, 2004.

to Listen to the

This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

cilhayes.jpg (3561 bytes)

Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate this news conference. Hayes' email address is

Click Here to View & Hear Prior News Conferences.


Rebecca Wright Pritchett


Wetlands Rule Needs Landowner Influence: Please Help.

Rebecca Wright Pritchett is the Chair of the Environmental & Natural Resources Division for Sirote & Permutt in Birmingham, Alabama. Today she offers us an opportunity to "help" the federal government redefine the term "isolated wetlands" and thereby limit the level of federal intrusion into private decision making. Several years ago certain isolated wetlands had fallen under the jurisdiction of the Corps of Engineers (COE) because those wet areas might have provided habitat for migratory birds. Then, in 2001, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that those wet areas were no longer to be considered "waters of the United States" and therefore would not fall under the COE's permitting jurisdiction (SWANCC Decision). Unfortunately, the Court's ruling was not clear enough, and as a result, landowners who want to make some alteration to an isolated wetland are now forced to ask the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the COE if their particular wetland is part of the "waters of the United States" and subject to regulation. (You should be aware that there are potentially hundreds of thousands of isolated wetlands of varying sizes throughout Alabama and some of them may be on your land).

The Bush Administration and Congress need to know what you think.

  • Should the "use of the water by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes, the presence of fish or shellfish that could be taken and sold in interstate commerce, and the use of the water for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce" cause an isolated wetland to fall under COE jurisdiction?
  • Should the regulations define “isolated waters,” and if so, what factors should be considered in determining whether a water is or is not isolated for jurisdictional purposes?

Your comments can be sent to:

  • President George W. Bush, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
  • Hon. Mike Leavitt, Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ariel Rios Building, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20460
  • LTG Robert B. Flowers, Commander, HQ, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 441 G. Street, NW, Washington, DC 20314-1000
  • Sen. Richard Shelby, 110 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510
  • Sen. Jeff Sessions, 335 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510.
  • Find your U.S. Congressman’s address at

Phone: (205) 930-5140


Barry Hart


Safe Harbor Program and the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker

Barry Hart is a terrestrial zoologist with the Alabama Natural Heritage Program, an organization established by the Alabama Chapter of The Nature Conservancy in 1989. He is currently developing the "Alabama Statewide Red-cockaded Woodpecker Safe Harbor Agreement" for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Most of us do not have red-cockaded woodpeckers (RCW) on our land. They don't like the way we manage our land -- we don't prescribe burn often enough, and we harvest our pine trees before they begin to rot. But what happens if you prescribe burn frequently, perhaps to improve silvopasture or quail habitat, and at the same time hold off harvesting your pine trees until they reach "old age"? In that case, you may encourage RCW to set up housekeeping on your land, and the Safe Harbor Program may be of interest to you -- and your neighbors.

Barry explains how the Safe Harbor Program may protect you from fines and other penalties associated with allowing a rare bird to live on your land.

Read the Draft Alabama Statewide Red-cockaded Woodpecker Safe Harbor Agreement, final draft, 78 pages, pdf format - replacement made 03/28/05.

Footnote -- September 5, 2004. Barry Hart has left the Alabama Natural Heritage Program and is moving to Tennessee. He will be replaced by Ms. Jan Garrett.

Phone: (334) 834-4519X4


L. Louis Hyman


Forestry and Estate Taxation

Lou Hyman is with the  Alabama Forestry Commission in Montgomery, Alabama and is regularly called upon by AFOA for tax advice. Now, you can receive this advice directly from Lou at the Forestry Taxation Seminar, which he will present in Florence on March 11, 2004, along with CPA and former AFOA president Henry Barclay.

Seminar Topics Will Include:

  • Reforestation Tax Credit
  • Capital Gains Treatment of Timber Sale Income
  • Recent Capital Gains Tax Rate Changes

Phone: (334) 240-9354


Trey DeLoach


Basic Education Courses for Forest Owners -- in Mississippi

Trey DeLoach is the Extension Forestry Specialist with the Central Mississippi Research & Extension Center in Raymond, Mississippi.  He works with county extension agents and other individuals, agencies, and organizations to provide outstanding information, education, and training in many forestry subject areas. While AFOA regularly posts these landowner-focused short courses to our Calendar of Events, we thought that highlighting them today might encourage your attendance. Federal funding for these courses was authorized by Congress because dramatic reductions in federal timber sales had resulted in drastic cuts in federal funds used by local county governments to pay for schools and roads. Trey will teach a course on Timber Marketing on April 15.

Landowner Short Courses from Mississippi State University:

  • Timber Tax Fundamentals - February 21, Collins; February 24, Brookhaven; March 2, Senatobia; March 12, Leake; April 15, Jefferson
  • Analyzing your Forest Investments - February 21, Holly Springs
  • Hardwood Management - February 24, Lafayette; March 8, 15, 22, 27, Yalobusha; April 8, Attala
  • Profitable Marketing and Harvesting of Timber - March 6, Prentiss
  • Forest Wildlife - March 8, Senatobia
  • Forest Valuation Workshop - March 27, Tylertown
  • Cogongrass Workshop - April 20, Lucedale; April 22, DeKalb
  • Forest Regeneration - April 24, Poplarville
  • Tree Identification - May 5, Magnolia

Phone: (601) 857-2284


Jason Irving

(15:55) Focused News for the Forestry Community

Jason Irving, though based in Toronto, Ontario, is responsible for global sales of The web-based company works with clients to help them take charge of and customize their information flow - from statistics, to data, to news.  "But," AFOA asks, "what about smaller forest owners? What kind of services does Forestweb provide for us?" Jason explains what information on the Forestweb website is of use to us and how it might benefit us.

Phone: (416) 537-1029


Thom J. McEvoy


Positive Impact Forestry - A New Book

Thom McEvoy is an Associate Professor at the School of Natural Resources at the University of Vermont. Thom has authored or co-authored four books, more than 150 Extension publications, popular articles and technical bulletins on forestry subjects. His latest book, Positive Impact Forestry is "a primer for private woodland owners and their managers on managing their land and forests to protect both ecological and economic vitality." Today he shares with us Positive Impact Forestry's theme and main ideas. The book is scheduled to be printed in April 2004.

To Order the Book: Positive Impact Forestry - A Sustainable Approach to Managing Woodlands

McEvoy's Legal Aspects of Owning and Managing Woodlands - awarded best forestry book of the year by the National Woodland Owner’s Association - is still a ‘best-seller’ for the publisher and can be purchased from AFOA for $19. (AFOA, Box 361434, Birmingham, AL 35236)

Phone: (802) 656-2913


Dr. David South


Historical Perspective on Forestry

David South, Professor of Forestry at the School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University, takes us back in time with a series of publications and filmstrips, some of which are a century old! The publications provide a nostalgic quality to the study and application of forestry of our past. The film strips, both visually interesting and historically significant, give us a more personal glimpse into the everyday life of our landowning and land-working predecessors. David introduces us to forestry's "roots" with A Primer of Forestry, 1903, by Gifford Pinchot, in addition to the links below.



David South's Home Page

Phone: (334) 844-1022


Lois Cason Wooten


Forestry Tours Provide Exotic Opportunities for Landowners

Lois Wooten of Savannah, Georgia, is a landowner who has traveled the world, met all kinds of interesting people, and has observed how the people of other countries apply a working knowledge of forestry. Now, she wants other landowners to become aware of upcoming opportunities. You, too, can benefit from the "forestry abroad" experience. Lois gives us an idea of the similarities we share with landowners in other counties, and points out the many differences between us, as well.

Phone: 1-800-447-4484
