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March 2001 News Conference for Forest Owners
Sponsored by Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.
Conference was recorded Wednesday, March 21, 2001.

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to Listen to the

This conference and all future conferences will be in the .mp3 format, which is compatible with Windows Media Player and most other media devices.

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Hayes D. Brown

starting time: (00:00)


Hayes D. Brown, attorney and forest owner,  will moderate the news conference. Hayes' email address is

Review prior telephone conferences:  
07/27/00 | 08/24/00 | 09/20/00 | 10/18/00 | 11/15/00 | 01/17/01 | 02/21/01 |

Rebecca Wright Pritchett


Current Legislation in Montgomery 

Rebecca Wright Pritchett, an attorney with Sirote & Permutt, P.C. in Birmingham, will discuss two bills pending before the Alabama legislature.  The first is the trespass and illegal dumping bill ( Senate Bill 355 and House Bill 458 ) that would make enforcement of anti-trespassing statutes easier and would increase fines for illegal dumping. The Alabama Forestry Association and the Alabama Industry & Manufacturers Association have been advocating passage of this legislation for the past few years.

In addition, she will talk about the Alabama Family Farm Preservation Act, ( Senate Bill 277 and House Bill 402 ) which was modeled after other states' "right to farm and practice forestry" statutes.  The Act protects farms and forestry operations from nuisance lawsuits and local land use regulations where the farms or forestry operations are in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.

Click here to contact Alabama Senators and Representatives.

Phone:  (205) 930-5140


Dr. Lawrence Teeter


International Conference on Private Forestry 

Dr. Larry Teeter, Director of the Forest Policy Center at Auburn University, has led the development of a conference that may have far-reaching impact on forest owners. Topics include: Certification, Trade, Global and regional demand/supply, Comparative tax/incentive programs, Environmental issues/legislation, NGOs and private forest management, Forestry and economic development, & Tax Policy. 

Visit the web page of the conference: 
Global Initiatives and Public Policies: First International Conference on Private Forestry in the 21st Century
March 25 - 27, 2001
Atlanta, Georgia -- Sheraton Buckhead Hotel

Phone: (334) 844-1045


David Nelson


Is There a High Fence In Your Future? 

David Nelson is a Supervising Wildlife Biologist with the Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. For the past 22 years Mr. Nelson has worked extensively with deer management in both private and public sectors. 

Game managers around the world are attempting to improve the quality of wildlife under their management. High fences have become a common solution to some of the problems faced by landowners, hunters and wildlife biologists.  

Alabama Hunting, Fishing & Trapping Seasons & Limits

Phone: (334) 289-5631


Brian Murphy


Quality Deer Management as State or County Policy:
Better Hunting & Better Leasing

Brian Murphy is the executive director of the nationwide, 11,000 member, Quality Deer Management Association based in Watkinsville, Georgia. Several counties in Georgia are improving hunting and reducing the deer herd by adopting mandatory quality deer management guidelines as official wildlife management policy. Brian has provided us with two reports: 

Phone: 1-800-209-3337
Web Site:


Dr. Scott Enebak


Southern Pine Beetle & Oak Mortality in Alabama

Dr. Scott Enebak, Forest Pathologist at Auburn University's School of Forestry & Wildlife Sciences, is concerned that last year's epidemic of Southern Pine Beetles may still be with us this summer. He also will describe a disease of oaks that has killed many isolated trees across the state.

Internet information on:

Phone: (334) 844-1028


Dr. Deborah A. Gaddis


Forest Landowners Guide to the Federal Income Tax
Ag Handbook #718

Dr. Debbie Gaddis, Assistant Extension Specialist at Mississippi State University, specializes in forest taxation. She has frequently referred landowners to Ag Handbook #708 to help them find answers to the special tax rules that affect forest management activities. Ag Handbook #708 was revised and has just been released on the Internet as Ag Handbook #718, a 171 page PDF file. Click here to read the book. The paper copy isn't available yet so please wait till April or May before ordering your copy from the U.S. Government Printing Office Bookstore in Birmingham at (205) 731-1056.  

Phone: (662) 325-8002


Dr. Robert A. Daniels


Stumpage Market Outlook

Dr. Bob Daniels, Extension Forester at Mississippi State University, writes a bi-monthly Mississippi Timber Price Report that is posted to the Internet. With a pine beetle epidemic still lingering and Canadian lumber imports weakening our stumpage markets, Bob's message of "stay the course" puts some perspective on the current situation. Bob comments on the Softwood Lumber Agreement and softwood lumber demand for 2001.

Additional information on:

Phone: (662) 325-3150


Larry Murphey


Forestland For Sale in Bibb County

Larry Murphey, a consulting forester based in Opelika, Alabama, has two tracts of forestland for sale in Bibb County. 

Phone: (334) 749-8978


Issues and Topics AFOA is following.

To suggest an issue or a topic for a future telephone conference, please send an email note to AFOA by clicking here.

  • County Zoning (current-use assessment)
  • Right to Farm & Practice Forestry
  • Illegal Dumping
  • Constitutional Revision/Tax Reform
  • Industry Consolidation & Timber Markets
  • Stumpage & Forest Product Markets
  • Seasonal Forest and Wildlife Management Tips
  • Forestland For Sale
  • Repeal of Estate Tax
  • Forest Taxation: income, estate, & property
  • Southern Pine Beetle: salvage & prevention
  • Wood Buying Policies During SPB Epidemic
  • Section 631(b) Capital Gains Tax Change
  • Delaney Family Current-Use Case
  • Jefferson Co. Storm Water Management Lawsuit & Appeal
  • Alabama's Pine Straw Wholesale Market
  • Useful Computer Software
  • Forest Fertilization
  • Intensive Forest Management
  • Long Rotation Management & Natural Regeneration
  • TMDL, CWA, EPA Basins, CARA, Forest Certification
  • Minerals, Gas & Oil Activity
  • Recreational Businesses for Forest Owners
  • Current Use Tax Assessment Rates
  • Local Harvesting Restrictions & Road Weight Limits
  • Bridge Repairs & the Alabama Trust Fund
  • Dog Hunting & Hunter Trespass
  • and many more.