2021 Calendar of Past Events
last update: 12/31/2021
Biographical Information About Speakers/Instructors: A-C, D-I, J-Q, R-Z
> January 2021
January 1...Shelby
County 4:45 AM.
First Day Hike
at the North Trailhead for a pre-sunrise hike to King's
Chair. Use Front Gate Entrance Only. This is considered
an advanced hike for some. Wear good shoes/boots, bring water,
bring snacks, and bring a flashlight as it will be dark.
Call Oak Mountain State Park at (205) 620-2520.
January 1...DeKalb
County 9 AM.
First Day Hike
at Little River Canyon National Preserve. Join Little
River Canyon Preserve & Desoto State Park staff on the
YCC Loop Trail. This is considered an advanced hike for
some. The distance is 3.5 miles. Wear good shoes/boots,
bring water, and bring snacks. For details, call
(256) 845-9605.
January 1...Marshall
County 12 Noon.
First Day Hike
at Cathedral Caverns State Park. Join Randall Blackwood,
Cathedral Caverns State Park Naturalist for an
interpretative 1.2 mile hike on the blue trail. For more
information, contact Randall at (256) 728-8193 or
January 2-3...Jefferson County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop in
Leeds at Bass Pro Shops, 5000 Bass Pro Boulevard. The
trapper workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
January 7...Online 7 PM
Introduction to QuickBooks Online Workshop will
be held via Zoom Meeting. There are many benefits for
businesses that choose to enter their transactions in
QuickBooks, but financial reporting is probably the most
important. QuickBooks can produce profit and loss
statements and balance sheets, as well as cash flow and
owner’s equity reports on either a cash or accrual
basis. Fee: None. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
January 8...Online
at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Managing Hardwoods
will join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's
Jennifer Gagnon and special guest David Richert on an
on-going timber harvest site for a discussion on the art
of managing Appalachian hardwoods. This event will be held via Zoom meeting. Zoom Meeting
Details - Join:
For more information
contact Jennifer Gagnon at
(540) 231-6391 or
January 9-10...Calhoun County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop in
Anniston at Choccolocco Wildlife Management Area, 1693
Joseph Springs Road. The trapper workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
January 11 - February
The Woman Landowners Academy is a 6-week online
program hosted through a private Facebook Group, only
open to participants. Within the group you will have
exclusive access to materials, resources, land
management professionals, as well as the opportunity to
join a network of women just like you. Topics include:
Understanding What You Own, Learn How to Read a Map in
the Woods, Financial Preparation, Selling Timber,
Reforestation, and Estate Planning for the Next
Generation. Fee: $75. For more information email
January 11 - April 2...Online.
Online Woodland Options for Landowners is a
twelve week self-paced course covering topics such as:
Setting management goals, Writing a management plan,
Using aerial photos, Using topographic maps, Using soil
surveys, Determining boundary lines, Forest
ecology, and Working with natural resource
professionals. Fee: $45 per family. Contact Jennifer
Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
January 12...Online 12 PM Noon CT.
The Top Five Ways Forest Landowners Save Tax Dollars
will be presented via Zoom webinar. Forest landowners
often try to maximize profits through minimizing
management expenses or finding the highest price for
their timber. However, taxes are a frequently overlooked
area for savings. Pre-registration is required. If you
need assistance connecting to the webinar email
January 12...Online 12
PM Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Landowner Laws You Should Know will
be presented via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women
that own forestland or are just interested in learning
more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join
during your lunch break as Visiting Professor, Dr.
Robert Tufts, discusses important landowner laws like
timber trespass, adverse possession and landowner
liability. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
January 13...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: January 13, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
January 13...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Writing a Prescribed Burn Plan will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Ryan Mitchell, Alabama
Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
Register Here
January 14...Online 7 - 9 PM
Basic Estate Planning will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Topics to include: Advance Directives
for Health Care, Power of Attorney,
and Wills. Class size limited to 20 participants. Fee: $5. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
AFOA Forestry Field Day
January 15...Escambia
County, 9:30 AM.
The Forestry Field Day will meet at Yellow Hammer
Travel Center in Brewton (Exit 69 on I-65). We will
caravan to the property no later than 10 AM for the
tour. Come meet Danny Dunwell, Consulting Forester
as he covers topics such as: Why and how to
convert loblolly or slash stands to longleaf, benefits
of planting longleaf (such as pinestraw revenue and
wind-resistance), considerations and costs, and what
resources are available to landowners. RSVP to
Jessica Nelson at (334) 524-1920 or
January 15...Online
at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Managing Pines will
join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's Adam
Downing for a discussion on managing pine forests in
Virginia. This event will be held via Zoom meeting. Zoom Meeting
Details - Join:
For more information
contact Adam Downing at
(540) 948-6881 or
January 22...Online 8 AM -
12:30 PM
Timber Tax and IRS Reporting will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Topics to include: Acquisition of
timberland, Use of separately identifiable properties,
Calculation of depletion allowance, Reporting timber
sale income, Deduction of reforestation expenses, and
Treatment of other expenses. Fee: $30. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
January 22...Online
at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Winter Tree ID will
join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's Jason
Fisher. Identifying trees in the summer can be
relatively easy - leaves provide a lot of good clues.
However, you can also become an expert at identifying
trees in the winter using bark, buds, and leaf scars. This event
will be held via Zoom meeting. Zoom Meeting
Details - Join:
For more information
contact Jason Fisher at
(434) 476-2147 or
January 23-24...Escambia County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop in
Atmore, 1133 Bell Creek Road. The trapper workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
January 24-26...Baldwin County.
State of Alabama Governance Seminar will be
held at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear. The seminar
focuses on the state of the state and specifically
addresses issues of importance to the state that will be
topics during the upcoming legislative session.
Registration is open. Fee:
$250. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
January 26...Shelby County.
Property Tax Vote
- A vote open
only for residents of the proposed
district, but will affect forestland
owners who do not reside in the district as well.
January 26...Online 6 PM.
Hancock/Harrison County Forestry & Wildlife
Association Annual
Meeting will be presented via Zoom. Topics will
include forest certification, forest management plans,
prescribed burning, and more. Pre-registration required. Contact Tim Ray at (228)
731-8567 or
January 28...Online 7 - 9 PM
Estate Planning for Landowners will
be presented via Zoom. The workshop will discuss
problems with leaving property equally to your children,
dividing property, and using a trust or business entity. Fee: $10. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
January 29...Online
at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Forest Soils Part 2 -
It's Alive! will
join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's Neil
Clark. Neil has been learning a lot about soils this
winter. Join him to dig deeper into this beautiful and
exciting below-ground world. This event
will be held via Zoom meeting. Zoom Meeting
Details - Join:
For more information
contact Neil Clark at
(757) 657-2572 or
> February 2021
February 1-5...Coosa County
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Learn and Burn will be near Rockford Community.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between February 1–5. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited. Lunch provided. Contact Greg Brewer at (334)
February 1-5...Baldwin County
8:30 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn will be in the Bay Minette area.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between February 1–5. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. Boxed lunch provided. Face
coverings required. Contact Ryan Mitchell at (251)
937-7176 or
February 2...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Woodland Management by Objectives: Taking Stock & Making
Plans will be presented via Zoom. In this
presentation, learn how you can assess your woods,
including past land use, current conditions and
potential. Knowing what you have, will help you to
explore what you can do with it, and determine your
management objectives. Contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540)
231-6391 or
February 4...Montgomery
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at the Alabama Activities Center, 201 Dexter Avenue, Montgomery. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: Here are some questions you may consider
asking yourself and others. Should the state provide
recreational activity property? Is recreation a necessary service?
Does the state need more public land to compete with
recreational opportunities (many of which are already)
provided by private forestland owners? Will more public
land that doesn't pay taxes put pressure on private
landowners to (eventually) pay more in taxes? It sounds
as if John Archibald thinks forest landowners do not pay
enough in taxes per his article at
Yet, is it not correct that Forever Wild property (over
271,000 acres) does not pay property taxes?
February 8...Online 7 AM
- 4 PM CT.
Heirs' Property & Sustainable Forest Management
Conference will be presented via Zoom Webinar.
This virtual conference will bring together experts in
heirs’ property, including forest landowners
experiencing it firsthand. The conference will share
ideas and perspectives, provide updates on legal
developments regarding heirs’ property, and present
results from two integrated research and outreach
initiatives. Pre-registration is required. If you need
assistance connecting to the webinar email
February 9...Online
12 PM Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Timber Sales will be presented via Zoom. This
lunch and learn is for women that own forestland or are
just interested in learning more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting.
Join during your lunch break as Regional Agent and
Registered Forester, Drew Metzler, discusses timber
sales and the differences between “Per Unit” and “Lump
Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
February 9...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
The Digital Toolbox for the Woodland Owner: There’s an
app for that! will be presented via Zoom. There
are many tools available to help you manage your land.
Map, assess, and understand your land’s potential. Join
this webinar to learn more about what tools are
available and how they can be used to get you started
managing your land. Contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540)
231-6391 or
February 9...Online
1 - 2 PM CT.
Vegetation Management Primer - Why Use Herbicides
will be presented via Zoom. Learn more about why you may
want to use herbicides to help your forest become
established, improve habitat for wildlife, combat
troublesome plants, and more. Presenter: Chris Demers,
University of Florida. Registration required. For more
information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
February 9...Online 7
The Best Turkey Season Ever webinar series will
be presented via Zoom. This series will be presented in
four sessions. One per week on Tuesday. Session 1
Topic: Management / Places to Hunt. Registration is
required. For more information contact Jed Smart at
(205) 367-8148 or
February 9-10...Online.
Timber Taxation Workshop
will be presented via Zoom Meeting.
Instructor: Dr. Yanshu Li. 6.5 CFE hours available. Fee: $215;
$50 discount if paid by January 29. Contact
Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
February 10...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: February 10, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
February 10...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Timber Sale Basics will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Drew Metzler, Alabama
Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
Register Here
February 11...Shelby
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
Nino's Italian Restaurant, 2698 Pelham Parkway,
Pelham. No-host dinner at 6
PM. Then listen to a 15 minute program, and talk about
the issues with other forest landowners. Limited
seating. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
rll@afoa.org. |
February 11...Online 7 PM CT.
Using Trusts in Estate Planning will be presented via Zoom
Meeting. Dr. Robert Tufts will discuss how trusts can be
living or testamentary and revocable or irrevocable.
Trusts can be used for asset protection, tax planning,
or other uses. During this program the different types
of trusts and how they may enhance your estate plan will
be discussed. Class size is limited to 20 participants.
required. Fee: $10. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
February 12...Online
at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Tree Syrup will
join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's Bill
Worrell. Everyone knows maple syrup comes from sugar
maples; but did you know we can make syrup from a number
of other tree species, including red maple, black
walnut, and sycamore? This event will be held via Zoom
meeting. Join:
https://virginiatech.zoom.us/j/97509089739 For more
information contact Bill Worrell at (279) 889-8056 or
February 13-14...Jackson County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop in
Hollywood at the Jackson County Wildlife Management
Area, 234 County Road 141. The trapper workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
February 15-19...Bullock County
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.
Learn and Burn will
held at the Enon Plantation.
Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between February 15-19. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited. Lunch provided. Contact Greg Brewer at (334)
February 16...Online 10
- 11 AM CT.
Advances in Herbicide Technology in Pine Management
will be presented via Zoom. Presenter: Dr. Pat Minogue,
University of Florida. Registration required. For more
information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
February 16...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Safety Tips for Working in your Woods will be
presented via Zoom. While working outside has many
benefits for your personal health, including clean air
and exercise, there are a few things to do to keep
yourself safe from itchy-bitey-pokey things out there.
Join this session to learn more about ways to stay safe
while working in the woods, even with power tools.
Contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
February 16...Online 6 - 8
2021 Ag Market Outlook will be presented via
Zoom. The webinar will cover economic outlooks for a
number of agricultural commodities including row crops,
livestock, timber and more. Registration
required. For more information contact Ken Kelley at
(251) 867-7760 or
February 16...Online 7
The Best Turkey Season Ever webinar series will
be presented via Zoom. This series will be presented in
four sessions. One per week on Tuesday. Session 2
Topic: Rules & Regulations / Safety / Ethics.
Registration is required. For more information contact
Jed Smart at (205) 367-8148 or
February 17...Online 8:30
- 10:30 AM CT.
2021 Ag Market Outlook will be presented via
Zoom. The webinar will cover economic outlooks for a
number of agricultural commodities including row crops,
livestock, timber and more. Registration
required. For more information contact Ken Kelley at
(251) 867-7760 or
February 18...Albany,
Georgia 8:30 AM ET.
Reforestation Techniques (For Ladies) at F&W
Forestry, 1300 Oakridge Drive. Fee: $25. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
February 18...Autauga
County 10 AM - 12 Noon.
Annual Tree Give-away at the Autaugaville
Volunteer Fire Department, Autaugaville. 2021 tree list
includes: Nuttall Oak, White Oak, Southern Crabapple,
Flowering Dogwood, Eastern Redbud, River Birch,
Buttonbush, Persimmon, and Longleaf Pine. Call Matthew
Sorrells for more information at (334) 239-5258.
February 18...Online 3 PM CT.
Heirs Property will be presented via Zoom
Meeting. Dr. Robert Tufts will discuss how heirs
property is created, what rights do heirs have, and how
to transfer legal title to the heirs. Class size is
limited. Registration
required. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
February 18...Houston,
Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Hardwood Plantings for Wildlife/Firewise at
the Houston Fire Department. Speakers: Brady Self &
Butch Bailey. Hosted by Chickasaw County Forestry Association. For more information call (662) 456-4269.
February 19...Online
10:30 AM - 12 Noon CT.
Chestnut Chat Series: Chestnut Hybrids and Important
Cultivars will be presented via Zoom Webinar.
Sandy Anagnostakis will cover the history of chestnut
importation and cultivar development. Mike Nave will
then follow, covering the breeding and selection process
of ”big name” cultivars like Paragon, Marrone, Dunstan,
and others, which many people encounter when looking for
commercially-available chestnut varieties. Participants
can join by device or by phone. For more information
contact The American Chestnut Foundation at (828)
281-0047 or
February 19...Online
at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Managing Hardwoods: Part
will join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's
Jennifer Gagnon for a discussion on the art
of managing Appalachian hardwoods. This event will be held via Zoom meeting. Zoom Meeting
Details - Join:
For more information
contact Jennifer Gagnon at
(540) 231-6391 or
February 19-20...Online.
Landowners' Woods & Wildlife Conference will cover
Firefly Conservation, Woodland Site Productivity, How to
Get the Timber Sale You Want, American Chestnut
information, Riparian Food Forests, Mushrooms, and more.
You must pre-register by February 13. Fee:
$25/device. Contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
February 20...Autauga
County 8 AM - 12 Noon.
Annual Tree Give-away at the Pratt Park Pavilion,
Prattville. 2021 tree list includes: Nuttall Oak, White
Oak, Southern Crabapple, Flowering Dogwood, Eastern
Redbud, River Birch, Buttonbush, Persimmon, and Longleaf
Pine. Call Matthew Sorrells for more information at
(334) 239-5258.
February 20-21...Baldwin County.
Alabama Youth Trappers Education Workshop in
Spanish Fort at the District V Wildlife Office, 30571
Five Rivers Boulevard. The trapper workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
February 21-27...Statewide.
Alabama Arbor Week. This is a good week to include the family in
your tree planting activities.
a picture of your children or grandchildren planting a
tree, or post one to the
AFOA MeWe page or
AFOA Facebook page.
February 22...Online 10
How to Establish a Hunting Lease on Your Property
will be presented via Webex Webinar. Learn about habitat
conservation practices to enhance recreation and
fee-access leasing potential on your property. For more
information call Mary McConnell at (662) 325-3133.
February 23...Online 10
Legal Considerations for Having Paying Clients on Your
Property will be presented via Webex Webinar.
For more information call Mary McConnell at (662)
February 23...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Getting Started Managing Your Land will be
presented via Zoom. This presentation will help you
learn how to implement a woodland management plan that
achieves your objectives. Contact Jennifer Gagnon at
(540) 231-6391 or
February 23...Blount
County 5 - 9 PM.
Wild Turkey Management at Oneonta First Baptist
Church Fellowship Hall. Come learn more about managing
your land for wild turkeys. Contact Amy Burgess at (205)
274-2129 or
23...Online 7 PM CT.
The Best Turkey Season Ever webinar series will
be presented via Zoom. This series will be presented in
four sessions. One per week on Tuesday. Session 3
Topic: Breeding Season and Calling. Registration is
required. For more information contact Jed Smart at
(205) 367-8148 or
February 24-26...Amelia Island, Florida.
Timberland Investment Conference. Now scheduled for
November 1-3, 2021.
February 25...Online 7 PM CT.
Landowner Liability will be presented via Zoom
Meeting. If someone is injured on your property, are you
liable? First, it has to be determined what duty you
owed to the person and that depends on their
classification. The lowest duty is owed to trespassers,
then increases for known trespassers, licensees, and
invitees. Once this level is known, then you have to
determine whether you breached that duty or not. Alabama
case law will be used to explain the three
classifications and the duties owed.
required. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
February 27...Shelby
Adult Mentored Hunt Workshop at the Cahaba River
Wildlife Management Area. The workshop will provide
participants with an opportunity to learn hunting
basics, firearm safety and handling, where to hunt, and
the equipment and gear needed. There are eligibility
requirements. Fee: $20. For more information email
Justin Grider at
> March 2021
March 1-5...Mobile County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn will be in the Mobile County area
with specific location given to registrants. Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between March 1–5. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. Boxed lunch provided. Face
coverings required. Contact Ryan Mitchell at (251)
937-7176 or
March 2...Online 7 PM CT.
The Best Turkey Season Ever webinar series will
be presented via Zoom. This series will be presented in
four sessions. One per week on Tuesday. Session 4
Topic: Preparation / Preservation / Mounting
Options, etc. Registration is required. For more
information contact Jed Smart at (205) 367-8148 or
March 3...Etowah County 10
AM - 3 PM.
Invasive Plant Management Workshop at 1500
Noccalula Road, Gadsden. This event will provide an
overview of some of the most common invasive and
non-native plants that landowners and managers must
control in Alabama and the throughout the southeast.
Presentations will discuss why plants are invasive as
well as how to identify and control plants with a
variety of methods, with special focus on mechanical and
chemical controls. Native alternatives will also be
discussed. Fee: $25. Contact Norm Haley at (256)
574-2143 or
March 4...Online 9 AM -
4 PM CT.
Applied Forest Finance
class details the step-by-step financial analysis
required to answer key investment and forest management
questions. Learn how to identify, value, and rank timber
and forestry investments. Fee: $580; $80 discount if
paid by February 19. CE hours available. Contact Heather Clark at (770) 725-8447 or
March 4...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM.
Timber Market Update will be presented via Zoom
webinar. Speaker: Dr. Adam Maggard, Auburn University.
Fee: $10. Contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or
March 5...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM.
Cross-Laminated Timber will be presented via
Zoom webinar. Speaker: Dr. David Kennedy, Auburn
University. Fee: $10. Contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or
March 6...Montgomery County
9 AM.
Alabama Conservation Advisory Board Meeting at
the RSA Activity Center, 201 Dexter Avenue,
Montgomery. The decisions of this board impact all
hunting activities that take place on your land. Anyone
wishing to speak must register between 8 - 8:30 AM. For
more information, call (334) 242-3486.
March 8...Online 6 PM CT.
Strategic Planting of Apple Trees Webinar will
be presented via Zoom. This webinar is part of the
National Deer Association’s (NDA) Beer and Deer Webinar
Series. Registration required. For more information call
March 9...Hattiesburg,
Mississippi 8 AM - 5 PM.
Prescribed Burning Short Course at Hilton Garden
Inn, 133 Plaza Drive. The course is open to the public
and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified
Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi. Prescribed
burning is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
tools available to foresters and landowners in the
Southeast for understory management, fuel reduction,
site preparation, wildfire risk reduction, and wildlife
habitat improvement. Fee: $250. Limited to 15
participants. Contact Allen Stroud at
(769) 798-2597 or
March 9...Online 12 PM
Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Summer Wildlife Management will be
presented via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women
that own forestland or are just interested in learning
more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join
during your lunch break as Regional Extension Agent and
Wildlife Biologist, Bence Carter, discusses wildlife
management strategies and techniques that can be
conducted between the hunting seasons. Pre-registration
required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
March 9-12...Online.
Family Director Essentials Virtual Program
is presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group (FBCG). This program is for
multi-generational family businesses who are current or
potential future board of directors for their family
enterprise. It would be a good option for families who
want to efficiently share common governance approaches
with a group of family members/directors. Fee: $1,750
per board representative and $1,550 for each additional
member up to a maximum of 5 per family. For more information contact
Christine Nguyen
at (773) 604-5005 or
March 10...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Recreational Ponds: Fishing Strategy, Stocking, &
Harvest will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Norm Haley, Alabama
Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
Register Here
March 10...Online 12 PM
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Invasive grasses in the southeastern United States
webinar will discuss a variety of invasive grasses
throughout the southeastern United States. Invasive
grasses rapidly invade disturbed areas, including
pastures, fallow fields, forests, and highway and
powerline rights-of-way.
If you need assistance connecting to the webinar email
March 11...Grenada,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Grenada County Forestry Association Meeting
at the County Extension Office, 1240 Fairground Road,
Suite E. Topic: Prescribed Fire. Speakers: Dave
Godwin and Marc Measells. For
more information call (662) 226-2061.
March 16...Washington County
9 AM - 2 PM.
Invasive Species Workshop at the Sheriff's
Training Center, 17256 Jordan Street, Chatom. This
workshop will take place both indoors and outside.
Attendees will learn about worker protection standards,
review herbicide labels, discuss forestry herbicides and
application methods, learn how to identify invasive
plants and associated control options. Attendees will
move outside for demonstrations on calibrating sprayers,
hack-and-squirt, and basal bark application techniques.
Fee: None; $40 to receive continuing education hours. Contact Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9415 or
March 16-17...Online.
Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference
webinar will emphasize research on silvicultural topics
such as: carbon management, competition control,
ecology, economics, fire behavior, forest health,
genetics/tree improvement, growth and yield, harvesting,
history, invasive species spread and control, natural
and artificial regeneration, nutritional amendments,
pine silviculture, restoration, site preparation, stand
dynamics, water and soil quality, and wildlife ecology
and habitat management. Fee: $75. If you need assistance
connecting to the webinar email
March 24...Online.
Southeastern Society of American Foresters Annual
Meeting. Fee: $105. SAF members receive a larger discount. For more information contact
Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
March 24...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM CT.
Potential Applications of Prescribed Burn Associations
for Family Forest Landowners will be presented
via Zoom Webinar. Prescribed burn associations (PBAs)
are cooperative units of private landowners that pool
resources to achieve scale that allows them to overcome
barriers to prescribed burning. Registration required.
For more information contact Southern Fire Exchange at
March 24...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Invasive Plants of the Southeast will be
presented via Zoom. Presenter: Nancy Loewenstein,
Alabama Extension. Registration is required. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
Register Here
March 30...Bibb/Chilton/Hale/Jefferson/Shelby Counties.
Special Primary Election
for vacant Senate District
14 seat. This seat was previously held by state
Senator Cam Ward. The special primary runoff, if
necessary, is set for April 27, 2021; and the special
general election for July 13, 2021.
March 30...Shelby County.
Special Primary Election
for vacant House District
73 seat. This seat was previously held by state
Representative Matt Fridy. The special primary runoff ,
if necessary, is set for April 27. The special general election is
set for July 13,
> April 2021
April 1...Brandon,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Rankin County Forestry Association Meeting at the
County Extension Building. Topic: TBD. Call the Rankin County Extension Office at (601)
April 7...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM CT.
Biology and Conservation of Gopher Tortoises
will be presented via Zoom. Registration required.
Contact Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
April 7, 8,
14, & 15...Online 2 - 3:30 PM CT.
Preparing for Generation NEXT Workshop will be
presented via Zoom. The workshop covers nine steps to
successful legacy planning. Some of these steps include:
Commit to beginning the planning, Determine your family
assets, Write down long-term goals, Hold a family
meeting, Gather essential documents, and more. Fee:
$25/family. Contact Neil Clark at (757) 653-2572 or
April 10...Walnut Grove,
Mississippi 9 AM - 3 PM.
New Christmas Tree Grower Workshop
at Larry & Sue Massey’s Rosebud Christmas Trees, 5819
Gunter Road. Many aspects of operating a choose & cut
Christmas tree farm will be discussed with
demonstrations. Fee: $47; lunch included. $5 discount if
paid by April 4. For more information contact Michael
Buchart at (225) 505-6335 or
April 12...Online 6 PM CT.
Burning with a Purpose: The Complex Relationship Between
Deer and Fire will be presented via Zoom. This
webinar is part of the National Deer Association’s (NDA)
Beer and Deer Webinar Series. Registration required. For
more information call 1-800-209-3337.
April 13...Butler County
9 AM - 2:30 PM.
Invasive Species Workshop at the Alabama
Forestry Commission, 59 Firetower Road, Greenville.
This workshop will take place both indoors and outside.
Attendees will learn about worker protection standards,
review herbicide labels, discuss forestry herbicides and
application methods, learn how to identify invasive
plants and associated control options. Attendees will
move outside for demonstrations on calibrating sprayers,
hack-and-squirt, and basal bark application techniques.
Fee: None; $40 to receive continuing education hours.
Lunch provided. Contact Ryan Mitchell at (251)
937-7176 or
April 13...Colbert County
10 AM
- 1 PM.
Tornado Preparedness and Chainsaw Safety at the
Alabama Music Hall of Fame, 617 Highway 72 West,
Topics include: Emergency Supply Kit, Chainsaw Safety Practices, Chainsaw Design,
Starting, Limbing, Basic Felling, and
On-site Demonstrations. Pre-registration required by
April 9. Lunch provided. RSVP to Susan Coke at (256) 386-8571.
April 13...Online 12 PM
Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Connection of Water Quality & Forest Health
will be presented via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for
women that own forestland or are just interested in
learning more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting.
Join during your lunch break as Alabama Water Watch
discusses the critical connection between water quality
and overall health of southern forests. Pre-registration
required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
jbc0057@aces.edu. Editor's Note: It would be
prudent of forest landowners to stay abreast of groups
such as Alabama Water Watch. The information this group
puts forth could impact your private property rights.
April 14...Online 12
Noon CT.
Pine Decline will be presented via Cisco WebEx.
The webinar will provide a general overview of
identification, impact and management strategies for
pine decline related factors. Presented by Dr. David
Coyle, Clemson University. If you need assistance
connecting to the webinar email
April 15...Online 1 PM CT.
Hurricane Preparation & Recovery: Building a Resilient
Operation will be presented via Zoom Webinar.
The presenter, Chris Demers, University of Florida, will
cover a range of considerations and systems that
landowners can put in place to increase their resilience
to hurricanes. Topics include: Inventory existing
forest, Maintain good roads, Monitor forest health
outside hurricane season, Build professional
relationships, Maintain good records, and Emergency
planning. For more information contact Chris Demers at
(352) 846-2375 or
April 15...Escambia County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association
Brewton Area Regional
Reception at The Hourglass, 220 St. Joseph
Avenue, Brewton. Catch
up on news of importance to your forestland investment
and meet others in the forest industry in a relaxed,
comfortable environment. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
April 17…Oakridge, Tennessee.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day at
University of Tennessee Arboretum. Special Forest
Products will be the theme. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
April 17...Como,
Forestry & Wildlife Field Day at Tom Skelton Tree
Farm. RSVP by April 8 at (662) 562-4274.
County. Location: Headquartered at the
Alabama 4-H Center, 892 4-H Road, Columbiana, AL
Directions & Campus Map
The Program Agenda/Attendee Registration Form
contains the most up-to-date information.
Please remember details will change as the meeting draws
closer. Some items may become inaccurate as
plans change. If you print it make sure you come back
and print it again closer to the meeting date.
Otherwise, you will have inaccurate meeting information.
REGISTRATION: links below have been removed since
this meeting is in the past
Online Program
Agenda and Attendee Registration
Mail-in Program
Agenda and Attendee Registration
Online Exhibitor and/or Sponsor
Registration - This link is for Exhibitors and/or Sponsors only.
The Alabama Forest Owners’ Association
will be taking reasonable precautions at the 2021 Annual
Meeting in light of Covid-19 health concerns, but it
encourages those who are at special risk from the virus
not to attend. (See CDC.GOV)
April 19-23...Escambia County
8 AM - 4 PM.
Learn to Burn will be in the Brewton area with
specific location given to registrants. Experience a day-long “start to finish” learning
opportunity. Actively participate with ignition
patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed
burn will be conducted on the first available burn
window between April 19-23. Depending on weather
conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days
advanced notice before the program is held. Space is
limited to 20 participants. Boxed lunch provided. Face
coverings required. Contact Ryan Mitchell at (251)
937-7176 or
April 21...Online 12 Noon
- 1 PM CT.
Snakes of Alabama will be presented via Zoom.
Alabama is home to over 40 species of snakes, with only
6 being venomous. This webinar will focus on biology,
ecological benefits and proper identification of the
snake species in Alabama. In addition, we will discuss
some of the common misconceptions that shapes people’s
perspectives of these important reptiles. Registration
required. Contact Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or
April 27...Shelby County.
Special Primary Runoff
for Leigh Hulsey and Kenneth Paschal for the vacant
House District 73 seat. The special general election is
set for July 13,
April 27...Russell County 5
Spring Forestry Demonstration Meeting and Dinner
at Crawford Baptist Church Pavilion, 4503 U.S. Highway
80 West, Phenix City. 15 minute demonstrations will
cover Pig Trapping, a Portable Sawmill, Gopher
Tortoises, and Drones. A steak dinner served outdoors
will follow the demonstrations. Pre-registration by
April 16 is required. Fee: $15. For more information
contact Russell County Extension at (334) 298-6845.
April 28...Online 10 AM CT.
Prescribed Burn Associations in the Southeast - A
Conversation with Experts will be presented via
Zoom. A Prescribed Burn Association, or PBA, is a group
of local landowners and other concerned citizens that
form a partnership to conduct prescribed burns. PBAs are
increasingly being formed and discussed in the Southeast
in response to both landowner interest in conducting
prescribed fire and the barriers they face in doing so. Registration is required. For more information
email the Southern Fire Exchange at
April 29...Online
7 PM CT.
Casualty Loss Deduction for
Timberland will be presented via Zoom. Topics
include Normal business or casualty loss, Basis of
timber, Retroactive basis determination, Salvage
operations, Involuntary conversion, Reporting the loss,
and more.
Presenter: Dr. Robert Tufts. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
> May 2021
May 3-21...Online.
Foundations will be held entirely online so you
can learn at your own pace and on your own schedule. All
content will be available on-demand during the 3-week
course. Topics include:
History of longleaf, Use of fire, Site preparation,
Proper planting techniques, Groundcover, and
Managing for wildlife objectives. Fee: $75. CE's
available. Contact Karen
at (334) 427-1029 or
May 5...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM.
Herbicides for Retaining and Enhancing Native Grasses
will be presented via Zoom webinar. Contact Norm Haley at (256)
574-2143 or
May 6...Online 1 PM CT.
Hydrology, Geology, and Biology of Springs will
be presented via Adobe Connect. Join the webinar to
learn more about the ecological functions of springs and
implications for planning spring developments. For more
information email Jennifer Ryan at
jennifer.ryan2@usda.gov. If you
need assistance connecting to the webinar email
May 6...Online 1 - 2 PM CT.
An Emerging Forest Carbon Market Opportunity for Private
Landowners will
be presented via Zoom Webinar. Join the webinar to learn
about this emerging alternative income opportunity. For
more information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375
May 6...Online 7 - 9 PM
Basic Estate Planning will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Topics to include: Advance Directives
for Health Care, Power of Attorney, and Wills. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
May 6-7...Jefferson
Emerging Forest Products & Technologies at The
Sheraton Hotel in Birmingham. Topics include The
Economics of Timberland Carbon Storage, The Use of Cross
Laminated Timber, Code & Statute Challenges to Mass
Timber Projects, Coca Cola Packaging, The Prospect for
International Pellet Consumption, and more. Fee: $125.
Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
May 7...Baldwin County 8
AM - 3 PM.
Chainsaw Safety: Preparing for Hurricane Season at
the Gulf Coast Research and Extension
Center, 8300 State Hwy 104, Fairhope. The goal of this
workshop is to provide training on personal protective
equipment, safe chainsaw operation, and precision
felling. Fee: $30. For more information
contact Beau Brodbeck at (251) 259-6507 or
May 8...Worldwide.
Global Big Day: Bird Observations asks for your
report of bird sightings on May 8. Use the eBird Mobile
app or the eBird website to enter your sightings. Watch
the sightings in real-time. Editor's Note: Will
birding groups be interested in leasing forestland at
some point? Do public land purchase programs such as
Forever Wild make this possibility less likely?
May 8...Walker County
9 AM.
Alabama Conservation Advisory Board Meeting at
Jasper High School, 1501 Viking Drive, Jasper. The decisions of this board impact all
hunting activities that take place on your land. Anyone
wishing to speak must register between 8 - 8:30 AM. For
more information, call (334) 242-3486.
May 10...Online 6 PM CT.
Old Field Management: The Value for Bucks, Does, and
Fawns will be presented via Zoom. This webinar
is part of the National Deer Association’s (NDA) Beer
and Deer Webinar Series. Registration required. For more
information call 1-800-209-3337.
May 11...Online 12 PM
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Invasive Plants of Southern Forests will be
presented via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women
that own forestland or are just interested in learning
more about forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join
during your lunch break as Regional Extension Agent,
Ryan Mitchell, discusses some of the invasive plants in
southern forests and how to effectively manage for them. Pre-registration
required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
May 12...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: May 12, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
May 13...Cleburne County
8:30 AM - 1 PM.
Forestry and Planning Conservation Workshop at
Penny Creek Farm, 8014 U.S. Highway 78, Heflin.
Topics include Beaver Control, Stream Management,
Deer Management, White Oak Initiative, and more.
Pre-registration required. Contact Cindy Beam at (256)
463-2877 or
May 13...Waycross, Georgia
8:30 AM ET.
Harvesting Basics (For Ladies) at the Georgia
Forestry Commission: Herty Building. Fee: $25. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
May 13...Lee County 9 AM -
12:30 PM.
Mixed Stand Forest Management Field Day at the
Mary Olive Thomas Demonstration Forest, 3319 Moores Mill
Road, Auburn. Topics include Introduction to the
Silviculture and Economics of Mixed Stand Management,
Using Drones in Forest Management, Managing and Trapping
Wild Pigs, and Forest Measurement. Fee: $15; boxed lunch
included. For more information call Lee County Extension
Office at (334) 749-3353.
May 13...Shelby
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
The Fish Market Restaurant, 5407 Highway 280,
Hoover. No-host dinner at 6
PM. Then listen to a 15 minute program, and talk about
the issues with other forest landowners. Limited
seating. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
rll@afoa.org. |
May 13...Online 7 - 9 PM
Estate Planning for Landowners will
be presented via Zoom. The workshop will discuss
problems with leaving property equally to your children,
dividing property, and using a trust or business entity. Fee: $10. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
May 14...Boyle,
Mississippi 8:30 AM.
Tree Identification Workshop at the Dahomey
National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters. Hosted by the Mid
Delta Forest, Woodland, and Wildlife Association. For more information
call Laura at (662) 843-8362.
May 14...Pensacola,
Florida 8:30 AM - 2 PM CT.
Landowner Tour at the property of Robert Jenkins
directly across the street from 10138 Lillian Highway.
Come learn about longleaf pine forest restoration and
management, enhancing wildlife habitat, tree planting,
and the challenges of land management in the wildland-urban
interface. For more
information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
May 14...Bullock County
10:30 AM.
Forestry Landowner Tour at Dream Field Farms,
6376 U.S.-82, Fitzpatrick. Speakers: Adam Maggard,
Auburn University (AU), Bence Carter, AU, Ashley Smith,
Alabama Forestry Association (AFA), and Greg Brewer, AFA.
Fee: $5. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
May 15…Henderson, Tennessee.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day at
Chickasaw State Forest. Special Forest Products will be
the theme. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
May 15...Henry County 8:30 AM
- 2 PM.
Recreational Pond Management at the Wiregrass
Research and Extension Center, 167 State Highway 134 E,
Headland. Fee: $10. To register, call Henry County
Extension at (334) 585-6416.
May 18 & 25...Online 8 -
11:30 AM.
Early Succession & Old Field Management for Deer &
Turkey will be presented via Zoom webinar. This
two-day event (May 18 online webinar, May 25 on-site
field visit) will provide an overview of the
installation and impact provided by management of native
early successional vegetation for white-tailed deer,
wild turkey, and other game and non-game wildlife.
On-site demonstration of vegetation treatments and
response as well as native and non-native plant
identification will take place on May 25 in Hollywood, AL (Jackson County).
Fee: $10; lunch included on field day. Contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or
May 18...Marion County
8:30 AM - 1:30 PM.
Invasive Species Workshop
at the Hamilton Park & Recreation Department, 371
Seventh Avenue, Hamilton.
This workshop will take place both indoors and outside.
Attendees will learn about worker protection standards,
review herbicide labels, discuss forestry herbicides and
application methods, learn how to identify invasive
plants and associated control options. Attendees will
move outside for demonstrations on calibrating sprayers,
hack-and-squirt, and basal bark application techniques.
Fee: None; $25 to receive continuing education hours.
Contact Ginger Avery at (205)
921-3551 or
May 18...Houston County 9
Invasive Weed Walk and Talk at the Forever Wild
Trail-Narcisse Avenue Trail Head, Dothan. Speakers:
Jessica Kelton and Bence Carter, Auburn University. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
May 18...Autauga County 10 AM
- 12 Noon.
Identifying Songbirds by Sight and Sound at the
Autauga County Extension Office, 2226 Alabama Highway 14
West, Autaugaville. Carrie Threadgill, Alabama Wildlife
& Freshwater Fisheries, will be teaching attendees how
to identify songbirds by sight and sound. This same
presentation can be attended online as well via Zoom.
For more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
May 18-20...Online.
Upland Hardwood Silviculture Workshop will be
presented via Zoom Meeting. Upon completion of this
course, a forest landowner or land manager will be able
to make effective silvicultural and management decisions
on regenerating and managing upland oak forests.
Participants will receive PDF copies of presentations to
keep as references. Fee: $300. Contact David Clabo at (865) 603-0594
May 19...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM.
Wild Turkey Predators & Diseases
will be presented via Zoom. This presentation will
discuss some of the issues and considerations along with
ways to monitor and address disease and predator issues
for wild turkey. Contact Norm Haley at (256)
574-2143 or
May 20...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Property Lines, Fences, & the Law will be
presented via Zoom. During this webinar attorney Mitch
Henry will discuss Alabama laws regarding property lines
and fencing. He will discuss how you can protect your
property from encroachment and what your rights are. For
more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
May 20...Online 12:30 - 4:55 PM
Alabama Invasive Plant Council Annual Conference
will be presented via Zoom. Fee: $10; $30 if CEUs are
desired. Contact Nancy Loewenstein at (334) 332-4610 or
May 20-21...Athens,
The Woman Landowners Symposium (For Ladies) at
the UGA Russell Special Collections Library. Fee: $35
virtual; $50 in-person. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
May 21...Autauga County
9 -
11 AM.
The Basics of Pond Management at Pratt Park, 460
Doster Road, Prattville. Learn the basics of pond
management with this workshop. Discussion will cover
weed identification and control and how to manage for
different species of fish. To
register, contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
May 27...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
Reptiles & Amphibians: Separating Fact from Fiction will be
presented via Zoom. During this lunch and learn webinar
Dr. Wesley Anderson with discuss how to make your yard
less desirable to common reptiles and amphibians, and
will also dispel some of the myths and fears that
surround these creatures. For
more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
May 27...Crenshaw County 6 PM.
Feral Swine Management Workshop at the
Tom Harbin Ag Center, 816 Airport Road, Luverne. Speakers: Mark Smith and Bence
Carter, Auburn University. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
> June 2021
June 1...Wiggins,
Mississippi Noon 12 PM.
Pearl River-Stone County Forestry Association (CFA)
Meeting at Bill's Catfish & Steaks (tentatively). Topic:
Forest Certification. Speaker:
Marc Measells, Mississippi State University. Dutch treat lunch. For more
information call Pearl River CFA at (601) 928-5286.
June 2...Online 12 Noon
- 1 PM CT.
Endemic Southern Salamanders & Forest Management
will be presented via Zoom. This webinar aims to educate
landowners, loggers, foresters, and other natural
resource professionals about the conservation value of
two specific salamanders (the patch-nosed and Cheoah
bald salamander), threats to them, and opportunities to
promote management practices that positively contribute
to amphibian habitat in general. Of note: Neither of
these salamanders are found in Alabama. For more
information contact Dakota Wagner at (828) 771-6256 or
June 2-3...Online.
Sustainability of Wood-Based Bioenergy Development in
the U.S. South will be presented via Zoom. This
course will help show how it is crucial to understand
issues related to the sustainability of wood-based
energy products (e.g., current and future markets,
carbon intensity, the unit cost of production, land use
changes, certification) for developing a better
understanding of one of the fastest growing industries
within the forestry sector. Fee: $235. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
June 3...Online 8 AM - 2 PM CT.
North Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Meeting will be
held via a Zoom meeting. The meeting will address critical issues for prescribed fire
practitioners and advocates, with a special emphasis on
north Georgia and its unique terrain, population, and
forest types. Meeting attendees will hear from
several prescribed fire experts. Topics will include:
Prescribed Fire's Role in the Oak Regeneration Process,
Using Drones with Infrared Capabilities to Monitor Fire
Behavior, The Role of Fire in Shortleaf Pine, Forest and
Fire Management for Northern Bobwhites Above the Fall
Line, Paradoxical Effects of the 2016 Wildfires on Tree
Mortality, A Case Study of Smoke in Chattanooga, Smoke
Management Guide for Southeast Landowners, and more. For more information
contact Mark Melvin at (229) 734-4706 or
June 6-11...Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop at
Lake Thoreau. The workshop will include numerous field
trips including industries, harvesting operations,
management practices, and hands-on activities. Forest owners and
forest products companies are urged to sponsor a teacher.
Fee: $150; meals and lodging included. Contact Emma Winterhalter at (601) 946-5336
June 7-9...Online.
Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference will
be presented via Zoom. Five 2 hour sessions will be
presented over the course of 3 days. Fee: $150. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
June 8...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Pond Management Basics will be presented via
Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Regional Extension Agent, Norm Haley,
discusses the basics of managing recreational fishing
ponds on your property. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
June 8...Monticello,
Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Marketing Your Timber at the James E. Givens
Building on F.E. Sellers Highway. Speakers: Marc
Measells, Mississippi State University, and Dave Godwin,
Landowner Coordinator. For more information
call (601) 587-2271.
June 9...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: June 9, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
June 9...Online 12 Noon - 1
Cashing In: Generating Income from Non-timber Products
will be presented via Zoom. During this webinar we will
discuss different methods landowners can employ to
generate income from non-timber products. To register,
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
June 9-10...Online.
National Firewood Workshop will be presented via
Zoom. Attendees are invited to dig deep into the
business issues of operating a profitable firewood
business and have the top professionals in the firewood
industry discuss the issues of equipment, sourcing wood,
insects and quarantines, marketing, sound business
management, transportation, brokers buying for large
stores, dry kilns, automation and employee issues. For
more information contact Harry Watt at (704) 880-3067 or
June 10...Henry County 4 -
8 PM.
Alabama Feral Swine Control Program Expo at the
Wiregrass Research and Extension Center, 167 State
Highway 134 E, Headland. Speakers: Mark Smith and Bence
Carter, Auburn University. For more information contact
Cayla Jackson-Mitchell at (334) 235-3241 or
June 14...Mobile County 8
AM - 2 PM.
Chainsaw Safety: Preparing for Hurricane Season at
the Jon Archer Agricultural
Center, 1070 Schillinger Road, Mobile. The goal of this
workshop is to provide training on personal protective
equipment, safe chainsaw operation, and precision
felling. Fee: $25. For more information
contact Beau Brodbeck at (251) 259-6507 or
June 15...Online 11 AM -
12 Noon CT.
A New Carbon Program for Hardwood Landowners
will be presented via Zoom. Alex Macintosh, Director of
Landowner Success at NCX, formerly called SilviaTerra,
will share information on their data-driven forest
carbon marketplace and how woodland owners can
participate now.
June 16...Online 12 Noon -
1 PM.
Wild Pig Damage Management will be presented via
Zoom. Join during your lunch break as Regional Extension
Agent, Mark Smith, discusses the the pros and cons of
currently available techniques for reducing wild pig
populations to reduce damage. Pre-registration required. Contact Norm Haley at (256)
574-2143 or
June 16-18...Williamsburg,
Forest Landowners Association (FLA) Conference at the
Williamsburg Lodge. Fee: $750 non-FLA members; $100
discount for FLA members. Contact Forest
Landowners Association at 1-800-325-2954 or
June 17...Monroe County 9
AM - 2:30 PM.
Working Forest Landowner Tour located 1.5 miles
North of Beatrice on Highway 265. This tour will include
tips and tools landowners can use to ensure their forest
is healthy resulting in clean water for everyone. Lunch
provided. CFE and PLM hours available. For more
information contact Tyler Sibley at (256) 612-7694 or
June 20-25...Booneville, Mississippi.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop at
Northeast Mississippi Community College, 101 Cunningham
Boulevard. The workshop will include numerous field
trips including industries, harvesting operations,
management practices, and hands-on activities. Forest owners and
forest products companies are urged to sponsor a teacher.
Fee: $150; meals and lodging included. Contact Emma
Winterhalter at (601) 946-5336
June 22...Montgomery County.
Special Primary Runoff
for Democrat candidates Kenyatte Hassell and Donald
Williams for the vacant Alabama
House District 78 seat. The special general election is
set for September 7,
June 22...Clarksdale,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Marketing Your Timber at the Coahoma County Extension Office.
Speaker: Marc Measells, Mississippi State University. For more information
call (662) 363-2911.
June 23...Escambia County 9
AM - 2 PM.
Invasive Species Field Day at Magnolia Branch
Wildlife Reserve, 24 Big Creek Road, Atmore. Contact
Chasity Pettis at (251) 867-3185x3 or
June 23-24...Mobile County.
Resource to Recreation Teacher Workshop at
Battle House Hotel, Mobile. Join us for a fun filled
two-day workshop exploring how Alabama's abundant
forests provide both recreational activities and
essential resources for our everyday lives. High School
Teachers will have the opportunity to learn from
forestry professionals as well as become certified in
the Forestry Worker CRI. The workshop
will include field trips and hands-on activities. Fee:
$50. Contact
Maggie Pope at (251) 589-4328 or
June 24...Grenada,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Emerald Ash Borer at the Grenada County Extension
Office, 1240 Fairground Road, Suite E. Speaker: Dr.
Brady Self, Mississippi State University. For more
information call (662) 226-2061.
June 24...Online 6-7 PM CT.
Agroforestry in the Southeast will be presented
via Zoom. This webinar is part of a year-round forage
production and grazing/browsing management series. This
topics will be raising small ruminants in pine
silvopastures and forage production in a silvopasture
system. Pre-registration required.
Contact Dr. Uma Karki at (334)
727-8336 or
> July 2021
July 7-8...Athens,
Optimal Management of Southern Pine Plantations Under
Varying Economic Conditions at Flinchum’s
Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. This course discusses how
such evaluations should be made and provides examples
for different stumpage markets and many combinations of
treatments. The course will examine different
combinations of silvicultural treatments and how those
treatments impact return in different markets ranging
from all products having low and high values to low
pulpwood and higher solid wood markets. Fee: $350; $50
discount if paid by June 16. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
7-9...Jackson, Mississippi.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop
at Mississippi Ag and Forestry Museum, 1150 Lakeland
Drive. The workshop will include numerous field trips
including industries, harvesting operations, management
practices, and hands-on activities. Forest owners and
forest products companies are urged to sponsor a
teacher. Fee: $60; meals included. Contact Emma
Winterhalter at (601) 946-5336
July 9...Online
at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Hunting & Recreation
will join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's
Jennifer Gagnon for a discussion on hunting and
recreation leases. This event will be held via Zoom meeting. Zoom Meeting
Details - Join:
During the meeting questions can be typed into the chat
box. For more information
contact Jennifer Gagnon at
(540) 231-6391 or
July 12...Online 6 PM CT.
Enhanced Scouting: Scouting Your Hunting Property Fast
and Effectively will
be presented via Zoom. This webinar is part of the
National Deer Association’s (NDA) Beer and Deer Webinar
Series. Speaker: Brian Grossman, National Deer
Association. Registration required. For more information call
July 12 - October 1...Online.
Online Woodland Options for Landowners is a
twelve week self-paced course covering topics such as:
Setting management goals, Writing a management plan,
Using aerial photos, Using topographic maps, Using soil
surveys, Determining boundary lines, Forest
ecology, and Working with natural resource
professionals. Fee: $45 per family. Contact Jennifer
Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or
July 12, 13, 14, 15 &
19...In-person & Online.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop
will be presented in-person and online this year. Participants are welcome to register for
1 or all 3 in-person workshops. The Pre and Post Zoom
sessions are required to be eligible to attend the
in-person session(s). This workshop will focus on how working
forests function to purify water, prevent erosion, and
promote wildlife all while putting Alabamians to work. The workshop
will include field trips and hands-on activities. Fee:
$20 in-person. Lunch is included at in-person workshops.
The Zoom workshop on July 12 is free. Contact
Ashley Smith at (334) 614-5048 or
July 12...Online Zoom
July 13...Location to-be-determined (North)
July 14...Autauga County (Central)
July 15...Covington County (South)
July 19...Online Zoom wrap-up session
July 13...Shelby County.
Special General Election
for vacant Alabama House District
73 seat. This seat was previously held by state
Representative Matt Fridy. Sheridan Black and Kenneth
Paschal are running for the seat.
July 13...Bibb/Chilton/Hale/Jefferson/Shelby Counties.
Special General Election
for vacant Alabama Senate District 14 seat. This seat
was previously held by state Senator Cam Ward. Virginia
Applebaum and April Weaver are running for the seat.
Sample Ballots
July 13...Online 9 -
10:30 AM CT.
Herbicide for Pine Management Workshop will be
presented via Zoom. Would you like to learn more about
appropriate herbicide and application rates for pine
management? This workshop is intended to inform
attendees of current herbicide applications available
for use in pine management efforts. Registration
required. For more information contact Doug Carter at
(601) 825-1462.
July 13...Online 10 - 11:30
Bucking and Merchandising Logs for Railroad Ties
will be presented via webinar. Topics include Types of
Ties, Required dimensions, Defect limits, Cross Grain
Wood, and Other Timbers Such as Switch Ties and Bridge
Timbers. For more information call Carol McElya at (901)
Register Here
July 13...Online 12
Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Skinny on Thinning will be presented
via Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Extension Specialist and Assistant
Professor, Dr. Adam Maggard, discusses the benefits of
thinning southern forests and recognizing when it is
time. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
July 13-15...Cookeville, Tennessee.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop
at TN-TECH-Horticulture Labs Shipley Farm, 2395
Gainesboro Grade. The workshop will include field trips,
learning about forest management practices, and hands-on
activities. The workshop is geared for, but not limited
to, non-forestry, non-environmental or non-wildlife
educators. Contact Teri Frye at (931) 319-4189 or
July 14...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: July 14, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
July 15...St. Clair
County 9:45 AM - 12:45 PM.
Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Workshop at
the Alfa Building in Ashville. Topics include
Wildlife Planning for you Property, Conservation
Programs, and Forest Management Planning. Lunch
provided. RSVP to (205) 338-7215 or
July 15...Online 5:30 - 7
Dine and Discuss: Forestry Management and Niche Markets
will teach participants basic forestry terms, forest
management strategies/techniques, introduce agencies and
natural resource professionals to contact, and the basic
theory and science of forestry. The niche markets
section will explore opportunities for landowners to use
their forest land to produce non-traditional forest
products. Several types of markets will be discussed as
well as a brief introduction to the management required.
For more information contact Charley Maxwell at (843)
653-4942 or
July 15...Online 6-7 PM CT.
Agroforestry in the Southeast will
be presented via Zoom. This webinar is part of a
year-round forage production and grazing/browsing
management series. This session's
topics will be ecosystem services from agroforestry
systems and cultivation of mushrooms on waste wood for
improving timber stands. Pre-registration required.
Contact Dr. Uma Karki at (334)
727-8336 or
CANCELED...July 15...Online 7 PM
Succession Planning will be presented via Zoom.
Instructor: Robert Tufts. Fee: $15. For more information
contact Robert Tufts at (334) 734-2120 or
July 16...Barbour County 8
Quail and Turkey Management Tour at the Barbour
County Management Area, 164 Christa Drive, Midway.
Speakers: Nick Yashko, Quail Forever, Drew Metzler,
Alabama Extension System, and Steven Mitchell, Alabama
Dept. of Conservation & Natural Resources. For more
information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
July 16-18...Jefferson County.
Annual World
Deer Expo at Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex, 2100
Richard Arrington, Jr. Boulevard North, Birmingham. The expo will have
hunting products, apparel, outfitters from all over the world, seminars,
outdoor celebrities, kid’s activities, and more. Fee: $10; kids receive
discounted admission. For more info call Channing Brown at (205) 678-4141.
July 16-18...Hilton Head
Island, South Carolina or Online.
Georgia Forestry Association (GFA) Annual Conference
will be held in-person and have a virtua- only option.
Attend the conference to learn more about Georgia
forestry from national leaders and experts in forest business,
economics, government, and public policy. 6 CFEs
available. Fee: $600 in-person or $200 virtual. Contact Rhonda
Freeman at (706)
845-9085 or
July 17...Clinton,
Wisconsin 9:30 AM - 3:15 PM.
Walnut Council Regional Meeting at the Al
Goestch property just east of Beloit. There will be an
optional meet and greet Friday night before the Saturday
field day, dinner on your own. The Saturday field day is
in the morning, followed by a box lunch and afternoon
seated program. Goetsch property consists of native
walnut timber of very large size and high quality, a
recent harvest with understory regeneration activities,
and plantations of various ages. Fee: $20; lunch
included. For more information contact (765) 409-3272 or
July 20...Dale County 3
Landowner's Guide to Herbicides at the Dale
County Extension Office, 202 South Highway 123, Ozark.
This workshop will provide landowners with the
information and guidance to more safely and efficiently
apply herbicides on their property. Topics include:
Pesticide Rules and Regulations, Introduction to Private
Applicator Permit, Cost Share Opportunities for
Landowners, Forestry Herbicides and Application Methods
for Common Management Goals, Sprayer Calibration
Methods, Invasive Species Identification and Management,
and Managing Vegetation In and Around Waterways. For
more information contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
July 20...Lee County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association Auburn Area Regional
Reception at Marriott at Grand National - Patio,
3700 Robert Trent Jones Trail, Opelika. Catch
up on news of importance to your forestland investment
and meet others in the forest industry in a relaxed,
comfortable environment. This Regional Reception is
being held at the same location as the Forest Economics
meeting on July 21. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
July 20-22...Springville, Tennessee.
Teacher’s Conservation Workshop
at Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge, 1371 Wildlife
Drive. The workshop will include field trips, learning
about forest management practices, and hands-on
activities. The workshop is geared for, but not limited
to, non-forestry, non-environmental or non-wildlife
educators. Contact Teri Frye at (931) 319-4189 or
July 21...Lee County 7:15 AM
- 1 PM.
Forest Economics at Marriott at Grand National - Patio,
3700 Robert Trent Jones Trail, Opelika. Topics: Federal
Overview of Emerging Tax Policy, Alabama State Port
System, Local Taxes/Licensing Fees, Severance Tax,
Supply Chain Economics, and Alabama's Property Tax
System. Fee: $85; lunch included. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
July 22...Jefferson County 9
AM - 2:30 PM.
Landowner Tour at the Turkey Creek Nature
Preserve, 3906 Turkey Creek Road, Pinson. The outdoor
tour will include tips and tools landowners can use to
ensure their forest is healthy resulting in clean water
for everyone. Topics include ways to improve your forest
through Forest management, Pond management, and
Certifications. Lunch provided. CFE and PLM credits
available. For more information contact Brad Nail at
(334) 481-2154 or
July 24...Elsberry,
Missouri 9:45 AM - 3 PM.
Walnut Council Regional Meeting at the Forrest
Keeling nursery. There will be an optional meet and
greet Friday night before the Saturday field day. The
Saturday field day is in the morning, followed by a box
lunch and afternoon seated program. Forrest Keeling
nursery grows over 1.5 million plants annually:
seedlings, liners and container stock. They specialize
in RPM-produced native plants and offer 380 different
species. This includes 273 trees and shrubs species and
107 perennials. Finished stock includes caliper trees up
to three inches in diameter. Fee: $20; lunch included.
For more information contact (765) 409-3272 or
July 28...Knoxville,
Tennessee 5:30 PM ET.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting
at Ye Olde Steak House, 6838 Chapman Highway. Topics:
Hardwood Promotion Programs and Markets & Exporting
Programs for Tennessee wood producers. Fee: $TBD.
Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
July 31...Butlerville,
Indiana 9:30 AM - 3:15 PM.
Walnut Council Regional Meeting at the Southeast
Purdue Ag Center. There will be an optional meet and
greet Friday night before the Saturday field day. The
Saturday field day is in the morning, followed by a box
lunch and afternoon seated program. SEPAC is the largest
Purdue Agricultural Center, including 1,600 acres of
timber. They host practical agronomic and forestry
research and field programs on a variety of topics.
Current forestry projects include: insect and disease
monitoring, tree planting demonstrations, screening
butternut for resistance, comparing pure and hybrid
butternut, progeny tests of black walnut families,
impacts of fencing, fertilizer, and genetics on walnut
growth. Fee: $20; lunch included. For more information
contact (765) 409-3272 or
> August 2021
August 2 - October
Entries accepted for the
Outdoor Alabama Photo Contest. All amateur photographers invited to enter. Categories
include, but not limited to: Birds, Wildlife,
Cold-blooded Critters, Nature-Based Recreation, Shoots
and Roots, Alabama State Parks, Scenic, and more. Contact
Billy Pope
at 1-800-242-3151 or
August 4...Gulfport,
Mississippi 1 PM.
Hancock/Harrison County Forestry & Wildlife
Meeting at the Harrison County Extension Office. Topic:
Private herbicide applicator training. For more information contact Tim Ray at (228) 865-4227 or
August 5...Online
7:45 AM - 2:35 PM CT.
Pine Genetics and Nursery Updates will be
presented via Zoom Webinar. Individuals interested in
reforestation of lands they manage or own are
increasingly faced with more genetic options offered by
nurseries that produce southern pine seedlings. Upon
completion of this meeting, a forest landowner or land
manager will be able to make more informed decisions
when selecting and purchasing loblolly, slash, and
longleaf pine seedlings for reforestation efforts. Fee:
$175; $25 discount if paid by July 15. Contact Ingvar
Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
August 5...Montgomery
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at the Richard Beard Building, Agriculture and
Industries Auditorium, 1445 Federal Drive, Montgomery. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: Here are some questions you may consider
asking yourself and others. Should the state provide
recreational activity property? Is recreation a
necessary service? Does the state need more public land
to compete with recreational opportunities (many of
which are already) provided by private forestland
owners? Will more public land that doesn't pay taxes put
pressure on private landowners to (eventually) pay more
in taxes?
Yet, is it not correct that Forever Wild property (over
271,000 acres) does not pay property taxes?
August 5-8...Montgomery
Farm & Land Expo
at the Renaissance Montgomery & Convention Center, 201
Tallapoosa Street, Montgomery. The Expo will feature new
products and town hall style presentations on a wide
array of topics. The Green Tour could be of special
interest to forest landowners. Fee: Variable. For more
information contact Robyn Ledbetter at (334) 613-4953.
August 6...Talbotton,
Georgia 6 PM.
Forestry Dinner at the Talbot Chamber of
Commerce. Speaker: Tim Lowrimore, Director of the
Georgia Forestry Commission. Fee: $20. For more
information contact Pam Jordan at (706) 570-1966 or
August 7...Online
8 - 11 AM CT.
Land Objectives & Goals Clinic will be presented
as an online event. The half day clinic will cover
common land objective and how they impact and affect
your management decisions and opportunities. Fee: $24. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
August 7...Elmore County
5:30 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Alabama Wildlife
Federation Headquarters, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee:
$35/single; $50/couple. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at 1-800-822-9453.
August 9...Online 6 PM CT.
The Predator Trap: Challenging Traditional Thinking on
Predator Management for Deer will
be presented via Zoom. This webinar is part of the
National Deer Association’s (NDA) Beer and Deer Webinar
Series. Speaker: Will Gulsby, Auburn University. Registration required. For more information call
August 10...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Forest Management Plans will be presented via
Zoom Webinar. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Regional Extension Agent, Lynn Dickinson,
discusses the importance of having a management plan and
how to establish one. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
August 11...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: August 11, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
August 11-25...Online
10:30 AM CT.
Landownership Clinic (For Ladies) will be
presented live via Zoom once a week. The recording will
then be shared via a private Facebook Group for those
who cannot attend the live Zoom presentation. The clinic will cover What You
Own, What you Owe, and How to Plan. Fee: $49. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
August 11-13...Atlanta, Georgia.
Southern Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Exposition
at Georgia World Congress Center. EXPO showcases the
latest products and services for the wood products
industry. A sawmilling conference will take place August
11-12 in conjunction with the Expo at the World Congress
Center. Fee: $25; $5 discount if paid in advance. Contact Eric Gee at
(504) 443-4464x3 or
August 12...Autauga
County 7:30 AM - 4 PM.
Longleaf Pine Seminar at the Autaugaville Ag
Center, 2224 AL-14, Autaugaville. Topics include
Should I Plant Longleaf, Longleaf Management, Prescribed
Burning, Native Grasses, Costs, and more. Lunch
provided. For more information contact Cliff O’Rear at
(205) 493-0190 or
August 12...Shelby
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
The Fish Market Restaurant, 5407 Highway 280, Hoover. No-host dinner at 6
PM. Then listen to a 15 minute program, and talk about
the issues with other forest landowners. Limited
seating. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
rll@afoa.org. |
August 12...Online 7 - 9 PM
Basic Estate Planning will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Topics to include: Advance Directives
for Health Care, Power of Attorney, and Wills. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
Register Here
13-15...Baldwin County.
Southern Christmas Tree Association Annual Meeting
will be held at The Lodge at Gulf State Park, 21196 East
Beach Boulevard, Gulf Shores. The Sunday Farm Tour will
be at Fish River Trees near Summerdale. Fee: $110; $10
discount if paid by August 2. For more information call Michael Buchart at
(225) 505-6335.
August 17...Raymond,
Mississippi 8:15 AM - 4 PM CT.
Forest Law at Eagle Ridge Conference Center.
Instructor: Powell Gee Ogletree, Adams and Reese LLP.
Contract Law, Easements, Adverse Possession, Trespass,
Leasing (wildlife & mineral), certification standards,
liability issues. Fee: $125.
Online registration or send fee to Richard Stringer,
6193 Henderson Road, Brandon, MS 39042.
August 18...Cullman County 6 PM.
Alabama Forestry Association
Cullman Area Regional
Reception at Alabama Farm Credit, 300 2nd Avenue
SW, Cullman. Catch
up on news of importance to your forestland investment
and meet others in the forest industry in a relaxed,
comfortable environment. Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
August 19...Harlem,
Georgia 8:30 AM ET.
Intro to Forestry (For Ladies) at the Harlem
United Methodist Church, 115 West Milledgeville Road.
Topics include Intro to land management, Harvesting
basics, Reforestation techniques, and Survey activity. A
field tour will be included as well. Fee: $25. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
August 19...Pontotoc, Mississippi 6 PM.
Pontotoc County Forestry Association Meeting at
the Pontotoc Extension Office. Topic: Forest
Management Considerations.
Speaker: Marc Measells, Mississippi State Extension. To attend RSVP at (662) 489-3910.
August 19...Senatobia,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Tate County Forestry Association Meeting
at the Tate County Extension Office, #1 French’s Alley.
Topic: Timber Theft. Speaker: Stephen Dicke,
Mississippi State Extension. For
more information call Tate County Extension at (662) 562-4274.
August 19...Online 7 -
8:30 PM
Estate Planning for Landowners will
be presented via Zoom. The workshop will discuss
problems with leaving property equally to your children,
dividing property, and using a trust or business entity. Fee: $10. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
20-22...Montgomery County.
Buckmasters Expo at the Montgomery Convention
Center, 201 Tallapoosa Street, Montgomery. Fee:
Admission is a can of food or any monetary donation. For
more information call Buckmasters at 1-800-240-3337.
August 21...Shelbyville,
Tennessee 9 AM - 1 PM CT.
Forestry Field Day at the Ayers Family Farm. Topics:
Cost-Share Programs and Learning Opportunities for Every
Age. Boxed lunches provided.
Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
August 26...Online
1 PM CT.
Hurricane Preparation & Recovery Webinar
will be presented via Zoom. Join a discussion on key
assistance contacts and strategies to minimize losses
within a week and a month after a hurricane. Presenter: Chris Demers,
University of Florida. Registration required. For more
information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
August 28...Shelby
County 8 AM - 5 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at
the Shelby County Sheriff's Office Training Center, 543
McDow Road, Columbiana. No fee.
This particular class will include live fire on the
range. To register, call Shawn Nixon at (205) 339-5716. Successfully
completing an approved hunter education course is
mandatory for all non-supervised Alabama hunting license
buyers born on or after August 1, 1977. There are some
exceptions. There are other courses being taught at
various locations and dates as well as online only
courses. For additional information contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
August 31...Online
6:30 - 7:30 AM CT.
Non-wood Provisioning Services from Mediterranean Forest
Ecosystems will be presented via Zoom. Dr. Sven
Mutke, Head of Service for Forest Industries, Spanish
National Research Council, will discuss Mediterranean
forest ecosystems and the goods they provide in his
presentation. This presentation is part of the webinar
series Unlocking the Bioeconomy for Nontimber Forest
Products. For more information email Laura Hayden at
August 31 - September 2...Panama
City Beach,
Florida Forestry Association (FFA) Annual Meeting at
the Panama City Beach Golf and Spa Resort. Fee: $375. For more information call FFA at (850) 222-5646.
> September 2021
September 1...Winston
County 8 AM - 3 PM.
Landowner Tour at Camp McDowell, 105 Delong
Road, Nauvoo. Topics include Forest Management (for
water quality), Pond Management, and Certifications. For
more information contact Brad Nail at (334) 481-2154 or
bnail@alaforestry.org. Editor's Note: Private
forestland already produces, by far, the vast majority
of clean water, clean air, and wildlife habitat in
Alabama. Do we need certification to prove that?
September 2...Starkville,
Mississippi 8 AM - 5 PM.
Prescribed Burning Short Course at Hilton Garden
Inn, 975 MS-12 East. The course is open to the public
and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified
Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi. Prescribed
burning is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
tools available to foresters and landowners in the
Southeast for understory management, fuel reduction,
site preparation, wildfire risk reduction, and wildlife
habitat improvement. Seating is limited. Fee: $250. Contact Allen Stroud at
(769) 798-2597 or
September 2...Online 9 AM -
3 PM CT.
Wood Flows & Cash Flows
will be presented via Zoom Webinar. Maximizing returns from timberland assets and
wood-using facilities relies on a current, localized
understanding of factors driving forest industry
economics, markets and technologies. Wood Flows & Cash
Flows details investment-relevant research and insights
for the forest industry. This one-day conference
includes tangible content that directly applies to
strategic plans, market analyses, valuations, and
competitive benchmarking. The conference will feature a
panel of industry executives, and the Forisk team will
share new investment research and strategic analysis for
the forest industry, sector by sector. Fee: $600.
Contact Heather Clark at (770) 725-8447 or
September 2...Online
10 AM CT.
Biochar and Carbon Trade webinar will feature
speakers Dr. Melissa Kreye, Penn State, and Calvin
Norman, Penn State. If you need assistance connecting to
the webinar email
September 2-3...Fayette
Forestry Continuing Education at Beville State
Community College in Fayette. Topics include
Industry Recruitment Efforts, Forest Management for
Wildlife, Alabama Timber Markets, Proper Timber
Management for the Eastern Wild Turkey, and more. CFE
hours available. Fee: $225; lunch included. For more
information call Jim Sims at (205) 932-0469.
September 8...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: September 8, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
September 8...Online 12 -
1 PM CT.
Prescribed Burning: Improving Your Techniques
will be presented via webinar. Speaker: Ryan Mitchell,
Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Online
registration is required. Webinar link will be provided
by email after registration. For more information
contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
September 8, 9, 15,
& 16...Online 3 - 4:30 PM ET.
Legacy Planning: A Webinar Series for Woodland Owners will be
presented via Zoom. The workshop covers the steps to
successful legacy planning. Topics include Essential
documents, Establishing a team of advisors, Legal tools,
Financial tools, Involving your family, and more. Fee:
$25/family. Contact Karen Snape at (540) 231-6494 or
September 8-10....Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Tennessee Forestry Association Annual Meeting at
the Westin Hotel. Fee: $300. Contact
Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
September 9...Hattiesburg,
Mississippi 8 AM - 5 PM.
Prescribed Burning Short Course at Hilton Garden
Inn, 133 Plaza Drive. The course is open to the public
and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified
Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi. Prescribed
burning is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
tools available to foresters and landowners in the
Southeast for understory management, fuel reduction,
site preparation, wildfire risk reduction, and wildlife
habitat improvement. Seating is limited. Fee: $250. Contact Allen Stroud at
(769) 798-2597 or
September 9...Online
County 8:15 AM - 4:30 PM CT.
Alabama Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting
will be presented via Zoom Meeting. Landowners and land
managers welcome to attend. CFE hours available. Fee:
$35. Contact Ryan Mitchell at (251) 423-9415 or
September 9...Gallman,
Mississippi 7 PM.
Copiah County Forestry Meeting at the Copiah
County Fairgrounds, 2040 W Gallman Road. Paul Jeffreys,
ArborGen, will speak on seedlings. RSVP to (601)
September 10...Clay County.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day (Kids Only) at
Clay County Livestock, Livingston. 6th grade students
only. For more information call Stephanie Tobin at (256)
12-14...Baldwin County.
Alabama Forestry Association Annual Meeting at
the Perdido Beach Resort in Orange Beach. Fee: $495; $30
discount if paid by August 31.
Contact Liz Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
September 13...Mobile County 8
AM - 3 PM.
Chainsaw Safety at
the Jon Archer Agricultural
Center, 1070 Schillinger Road, Mobile. The goal of this
workshop is to provide training on personal protective
equipment, safe chainsaw operation, and precision
felling. Fee: $25. For more information
contact Beau Brodbeck at (251) 259-6507 or
September 13...Online 6
Mentoring and the Food to Fork Program will
be presented via Zoom. This webinar is part of the
National Deer Association’s (NDA) Beer and Deer Webinar
Series. Speaker: Hank Forester, National Deer
Association. Registration required. For more information call
September 14...Pontotoc,
Mississippi 8 AM - 5 PM.
Prescribed Burning Short Course at
the Mississippi State University Extension Services
Building, 402 C.J. Hardin Jr. Drive. The course is open to the public
and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified
Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi. Prescribed
burning is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
tools available to foresters and landowners in the
Southeast for understory management, fuel reduction,
site preparation, wildfire risk reduction, and wildlife
habitat improvement. Seating is limited. Fee: $250. Contact Allen Stroud at
(769) 798-2597 or
September 14...Jackson
County 11 AM - 2:30 PM.
Old Field Management for Deer &
Turkey - Assessing & Maintaining Early Succession
will be held at 420 County Road 27, Estillfork. The
field day will provide an overview of the impact native
early successional vegetation (old fields) provide
white-tailed deer, wild turkey, and other game and
non-game wildlife. Topics to be discussed will include
deer and turkey ecology, native browse, prescribed fire,
herbicides, invasive plants, and resources for
Fee: $25; lunch included. Contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or
September 14...Online
11 AM - 12 Noon CT.
Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Effective Use of Trail
Cameras will be presented via webinar. Scott
Weikert, Penn State Extension, will discuss some of the
various features available in trail cameras sold today
and offer some tips to get quality wildlife photos. For
more information call Scott at (818) 755-3544.
September 14...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Forest Stand Dynamics will be presented via
Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Forestry Professor, Dr. John Kush,
discusses how southern forests respond to disturbances,
as well as change over time. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
September 14...Online 7 -
9 PM
Using Trusts in Estate Planning will
be presented via Zoom. This program will cover trusts
and their uses in estate planning including topics such
as living or testamentary, revocable or irrevocable,
grantor or non-grantor, joint or separate, funding,
creditor protection, and more. Fee: $20. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
September 15...Walker
County 7 AM - 2:30 PM.
Professional Loggers Management Workshop at the
Wade Math & Science Building, 14th Street East, Bevill
State Community College, Jasper. Landowners welcome.
Topics include Forest Taxation, Best Management
Practices, Economic impact of Covid on timber markets,
Protecting Forest Workers, Threatened/Endangered Species
- Bats, and more. Pre-registration required. For more
information call Stacy at (205) 387-1879.
September 15...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Assessing Storm Damaged Pine Stands webinar will
provide a general overview of storm damage assessment
and potential management strategies for landowners. If
you need assistance connecting to the webinar email
contact@sref.info. Editor's Note: Does it concern
you when a program leads off it's description with the
statement, "The ongoing climate crisis has led to an
increase in extreme weather events like hurricanes and
tornadoes in the southeastern U.S.", when during the
last 5 decades the U.S. has experienced at or below the
average number of major hurricane strikes?
September 15...Online
Noon - 1 PM ET with repeat at 7 PM - 8 PM ET.
Forestry Application of User-Friendly GIS/GPS is
Part 1 of a 2 Part series. Part I has three objectives.
First, to illustrate the combination of your smart phone
with a Bluetooth enabled receiver and readily available
apps in the woods to take data points and tracks, that
are reasonably accurate even in some cases with a dense
forest canopy. Second, to guide the novice, non-GIS
savvy individuals with visualizing how to use that data.
Third, how to utilize various and surprisingly powerful
tools found within Google Earth for landowner or
professional goals. Webinars are
recorded and posted to
www.youtube.com/ForestConnect. For more info email
Peter Smallidge at
Register here.
September 16...Online
2 - 3 PM CT.
Forgotten Habitat: Native Groundcover will be
presented via Zoom. Megan Ellis, Private Lands
Biologist, will discuss the importance of native
groundcover, its decline throughout history, and what we
can do to recover this forgotten habitat. For more
information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
September 16...Choctaw
County 3 - 7 PM.
Landowners Tax Workshop at the Choctaw County
Extension, 218 South Hamburg Street, Butler. Speaker:
Orman Wilson, JamisonMoneyFarmer PC. For more
information contact Beverly Skinner at (205) 459-2133 or
September 16...Jefferson County
6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at
the Birmingham Zoo, 2630 Cahaba Road, Birmingham. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music,
door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50. Youth 15 and under free. Call the
Alabama Wildlife Federation at (334) 285-4550.
16...Starkville, Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Oktibbeha County Forestry Meeting at the
Sportsplex Annex. Topics: Timber Market Outlook
and New Mills in Mississippi. Speaker: Marc Measells.
RSVP to (662) 323-5916.
September 16-17...Montgomery County.
ForestHer: A Workshop for Women Who Love the Land
at the Agricultural Center, Trotman Road, Pike Road.
Wild pigs are arguably the most invasive wildlife
species in the Southeast. Learn how to manage wild pigs
on your property. This workshop will teach trapping
techniques and include informative and interesting
demonstrations. Fee: $65. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
September 17...Online
8 AM - 1 PM
Timber Tax and IRS Reporting will
be presented via Zoom. Topics covered will include the
acquisition of timberland and the allocation of basis
between the timber and the land (Form T, Part I), the
use of separately identifiable properties, the
calculation of depletion allowance (Form T, Part II),
the reporting of timber sale income (Form T, Part III
and Form 4797), the deduction of reforestation expenses
(Form T, Part IV and Form 4562), and the treatment of
other expenses (Schedule F). Fee: $50. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
17...Online 11 AM - 12 Noon CT.
Wildlife Enterprises on Private Lands will be
presented via Zoom. Wildlife enterprises provide
supplemental income for landowners. This program hopes
to assist landowners in deciding whether to invest their
time, energy, and finances in an enterprise. If you need
assistance connecting to the webinar email
September 17-18...Starkville, Mississippi.
Forestry Equipment Show is located approximately
eight miles south of Starkville. The longest-running,
live, in-woods equipment demo in the South. Fee: $25; $5
discount for advance registration. For more information
contact Rhonda Thomas at (334) 834-1170 or
September 21...Clinton,
Mississippi 8 AM - 5 PM.
Prescribed Burning Short Course at Hilton Garden
Inn, 5007 Hampstead Boulevard. The course is open to the public
and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified
Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi. Prescribed
burning is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
tools available to foresters and landowners in the
Southeast for understory management, fuel reduction,
site preparation, wildfire risk reduction, and wildlife
habitat improvement. Seating is limited. Fee: $250. Contact Allen Stroud at
(769) 798-2597 or
September 22...Online
12 - 1 PM CT.
Basal Area: Clearing Up the Confusion will be
presented via webinar. Speaker: Dr. Becky Barlow,
Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Online
registration is required. Webinar link will be provided
by email after registration. For more information
contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
September 23...Autauga County
9 AM - 12:30 PM.
Wild Pig Management
at the Autauga County Extension Office, 2226 AL Highway
14, Autaugaville.
This workshop for women will feature presentations about
on Wild Pig History, Feral Swine Management, Trapping
Techniques, Aerial Gunning, Feral Swine Control Program,
and Toxicant Research. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
September 23...Online
6:30 - 9 PM CT.
Choice of Business Entity will
be presented via Zoom. This program will cover business
entities available in Alabama and a comparison of
characteristics, such as, liability of owners,
participation in management, transferability of
interest, etc. Fee: $20. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
25...Petersburg, Tennessee.
Chestnut Volunteers: Southern Tennessee Workday
at the Chestnut Ridge Backcross Orchard, 1439
Shelbyville Highway. Workday tasks include brush
removal, pruning, removing dead limbs, and mowing. For
more information contact Hill Craddock at (423) 290-8924
September 28...Grenada,
Mississippi 8 AM - 5 PM.
Prescribed Burning Short Course at
the Grenada County Extension Building, 1420 Fairground
Road. The course is open to the public
and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified
Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi. Prescribed
burning is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
tools available to foresters and landowners in the
Southeast for understory management, fuel reduction,
site preparation, wildfire risk reduction, and wildlife
habitat improvement. Seating is limited. Fee: $250. Contact Allen Stroud at
(769) 798-2597 or
29-30...Tuscaloosa County 5 - 9 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at the
Tuscaloosa County Extension Office, 2513 7th Street,
Tuscaloosa. No fee. This is a two night class and you
must attend both nights. Successfully completing an
approved hunter education course is mandatory for all
non-supervised Alabama hunting license buyers born on or
after August 1, 1977. There are some exceptions. There
are other courses being taught at various locations and
dates as well as online only courses. For additional
information contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
September 30...Hattiesburg,
Mississippi 8 AM - 5 PM.
Prescribed Burning Short Course at Hilton Garden
Inn, 133 Plaza Drive. The course is open to the public
and designed for anyone wishing to become a Certified
Prescribed Burn Manager in Mississippi. Prescribed
burning is one of the most efficient and cost-effective
tools available to foresters and landowners in the
Southeast for understory management, fuel reduction,
site preparation, wildfire risk reduction, and wildlife
habitat improvement. Seating is limited. Fee: $250. Contact Allen Stroud at
(769) 798-2597 or
September 30...Online 9
Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting
will be presented via Zoom. Contact Jessica McCorvey at (229) 734-4706x289 or
> October 2021
October 1-3...Shelby County.
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW)
at Alabama 4-H Center on Lay Lake near Columbiana.
Participants choose from over 50 courses such as:
backyard wildlife, rock climbing, camp cooking, map and
compass, camping, mountain biking, fishing, hunting,
canoeing, bird watching, shooting sports, and many more.
For women 18 years or older. Courses are held rain or
shine. Fee: $275; includes meals and lodging. Contact
Hope Grier at 1-800-245-2740 or
October 2...Enid,
Autumn Tree Identification Seminar at the North
Mississippi Fish Hatchery. Fee: $2.50. For more
information call the Visitor Education Center at (662)
October 4...Tupelo,
Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Upland Game Birds will feature Dave Godwin speaking
on Quail and Turkey. To attend, RSVP to (662) 841-9000.
October 5...Morgan County 5:30 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Ingalls Harbor,
802-B Wilson Street NW, Decatur. Attend the
cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample
wild game recipes. Fee: $35; youth under 15 free. Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation
at (334) 285-4550.
October 6...Online 9 AM
Gain Insights Into Cost Trends and Management Practices
of Working Forests will be presented via Zoom.
Attend this webinar for an in-depth analysis of the 2020
Cost Trends of Southern Forestry Practices Survey (CTSFP),
the most comprehensive survey of its kind. The CTSFP
traces the costs of management practices from prescribed
fire use, to herbicide/pesticide applications, invasive
species control, and more. Information from this survey
has many practical implications for landowners,
foresters, government agencies, and other forestry
stakeholders. Speaker: Dr. Adam Maggard, Auburn
University. If you need assistance connecting to the
webinar email
October 6...Montgomery
County 12 Noon - 1 PM.
Destructive Insects at the Armory Learning Arts
Building, 1018 Madison Avenue. Bring a sack lunch. For
more information contact Montgomery County Extension
Office at (334) 270-4133.
October 6...Online 12 -
1 PM CT.
Forest Aesthetics
will be presented via webinar. Learn about management
practices to enhance the beauty and scenic value of your
property. Speaker: Lynn Dickinson,
Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Online
registration is required. Webinar link will be provided
by email after registration. For more information
contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
October 7...Valdosta,
Georgia 8:30 AM - 4 PM ET.
Reforestation Techniques (For Ladies) at a
location to-be-determined. Topics include Planning,
Preparation, Cost share opportunities, Pine seedling
options, and Survey activity. A field tour will included
as well. Fee: $25. For more
information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or
October 7...Morton,
Mississippi 8:30 AM.
Leasing Your Land for Hunting and/or Other Income
Options will be held at Jessie Purvis Tree Farm.
Speaker: Dr. Daryl Jones. To attend, RSVP to (601)
October 9…Greeneville, Tennessee.
Healthy Hardwoods Field Day at
Northeast Tennessee AgResearch & Education Center. Topic:
Special Forest Products. Contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
October 11...Baldwin County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
at Bluegill Restaurant, 3775 Battleship Parkway, Spanish
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $50; youth under 15 free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at (334) 285-4550.
October 12...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Forestry Terminology & Tools will be presented via
Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Extension Specialist and Forestry
Professor, Dr. Becky Barlow, discusses the tools and
terminology of forest management. This session will help
any landowner become a better communicator with their
land management professional. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
October 12...Online 1 - 2 PM ET.
Manipulating Mesopredator Populations to Benefit Native
Prey will be presented via webinar. This webinar
will discuss reasons that predator population
manipulation is controversial as an efficacious prey
management tool and will provide suggestions for
predicting when predator manipulations are likely to
benefit native prey. Presenter: Dr. Mike Conner. If you
need assistance connecting to the webinar email
12-13...Gainesville, Florida.
Fall Symposium: Southern Pine Update at the
Roland T. Stern Learning Center, University of Florida
Austin Cary Forest Campus, 10625 Northeast Waldo Road.
Forest owners are encouraged to attend. Fee: $150. For
more information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375
Pine Straw Production - Stand Management and Economics
will be presented via Zoom. Learn about pine straw yields by
species, site quality, land-use history, pine straw
raking effects, fertilization, herbicides, controlling
unwanted plant species, and basal area.
Fee: $225. Contact
Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
October 12-15...Online.
Virtual Family Governance Forum webinar
is presented by The Family
Business Consulting Group. This program connects family
leaders and influencers to support the growth,
development and success of their families’ legacies.
This highly interactive experience is designed to
heighten participants’ effectiveness as leaders in the
family enterprise through engaging content, peer
discussions and real-world case studies. Attendees will
also connect and learn from the successes and challenges
of other families in an open, confidential environment —
fully supported throughout the program by expert
facilitators. Fee: $1,750 per family representative. For more information contact
Christine Nguyen
at (773) 604-5005 or
October 13...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: October 13, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
October 13-14...Elmore County 9 AM
- 5 PM.
Chainsaw Safety Workshop
at the Elmore County Extension, 340 Queen Ann Road,
Wetumpka. This workshop
is a combination of classroom and practical components –
including felling and clearing. Whether you work on a
farm, in your backyard, or on a wood lot, this course is
for you. Fee: $50. For more information
contact Lynn Dickinson at (334) 303-8360 or
13-15...Biloxi, Mississippi.
Mississippi Forestry Association Annual Meeting
at the Golden Nugget. Fee:
$445 for a non-member. Contact Casey
Anderson at (601) 354-4936 or
October 15...Coosa County
8 AM - 1 PM.
Landowner Tour at 515 Austin Mill Road,
Equality. The tour will feature topics such as Quail
Management, Pond Management, Longleaf Pine vs. Loblolly
Pine, and more. Pre-registration required. To register
contact Katrina Mitchell at (334) 567-6301 or
October 15...Online 9 -
10:30 AM CT.
Geology and Soil Science Webinar will be
presented via Zoom. This webinar is meant to generate
public interest in pursuing a certification as an
Alabama Master Naturalist. For more information contact
Wesley Anderson at (334) 750-9458 or
October 18...Yazoo
City, Mississippi 6 PM.
Prescribed Fire at Yazoo County Extension Office,
212 East Broadway. Speaker: Dave Godwin, Mississippi
Forestry Association. RSVP to the Yazoo Extension Office
at (662) 746-2453.
October 19...Oxford,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Timber Market Update at the Lafayette County
Extension Office, 70 F.D. Buddy East Parkway. Speaker:
Marc Measells, Mississippi State Extension. To attend,
RSVP to (662) 234-4451.
October 19-20...Athens,
Forestry for Non-Foresters at Flinchum’s Phoenix,
Whitehall Forest, 650 Phoenix Road. “This course will be especially
useful for landowners and those who work with foresters and the forest
industry such as forestry agencies, associations, forestry investment
firms, real estate investment trusts and banking institutions with
forest investments.” Fee: $400. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
ingvar@uga.edu. See the leaders of this course give a
presentation at the 2016 AFOA Annual Meeting.
19-21...Moultrie, Georgia.
Sunbelt Agricultural
Exposition at Spence Field, 290-G Harper Blvd.
Activities: Tractor & ATV test drives, Stock Dog Trials,
educational seminars, and much more. Fee: $10. Call
(229) 985-1968 for more information.
Mapping with Drones will be presented via Zoom.
This is an intensive, yet introductory level workshop,
and can be considered a ‘drone boot camp’. No previous
knowledge or experience with drones, sUAS, or GIS is
required. Fee: $200. For more information email John
McGee at
jmcg@vt.edu. This workshop will also take
place in December 14-16 and January 11-13.
October 20...Lake City,
Florida 10 AM - 12 Noon ET.
North Central Florida Cooperative Invasive Species
Management Area (CISMA) Annual Meeting at
Alligator Lake Park, 420 SE Alligator Glen. Attend
CISMA's annual meeting to learn about invasive plants
and how you can help with controlling them. People are
welcome to bring a lunch and stay after for a hike to
identify invasive plants. For more information contact
Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or
October 20...Online 12 - 1
Landowner Laws You Should Know will be presented
via webinar. Speaker: Dr. Robert Tufts, Alabama
Cooperative Extension System. Online registration is
required. Webinar link will be provided by email after
registration. For more information contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
October 21...Dallas County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
at ArtsRevive, 3 Church Street, Selma.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $50; youth under 15 free. Call the Alabama Wildlife
Federation at (334) 285-4550.
21-22...Shelby County.
Alabama Landowners Conference
at the Alabama 4-H Center, 892 4-H Road, Columbiana.
Topics will include Longleaf Management, Turkey
Management, Forest Health, and Pesticide Applicator
Course Overview. Awards
presented: Tree Farm, Helene Mosley Memorial, W. Kelly Mosely, and others. Fee:
$100. Contact Liz
Chambers at (334) 481-2135 or
October 22...Baldwin
County 8 AM - 2 PM.
SmartMap 1.0 Workshop at the Gulf Coast Research
& Extension Center, 8300 Hwy 104, Fairhope. SmartMap 1.0
introduces audiences to low-cost and easy-to-use
geospatial mapping apps for smartphones and tablets. The
class reviews the basics of geographic information
systems (GIS), GPS and smartphone applications. It
provides hands-on tutorials to give attendees experience
using these technologies. This workshop also introduces
audiences to UAS technology and its applications for
video capture and forest mapping. Fee: $45. Contact Beau
Brodbeck at (251) 259-6507 or
23...Saltillo, Mississippi 8:30 AM - Noon.
Forestry Field Day at Tommy Smith's tree farm.
Topics will include artificial pine regeneration,
pine thinning, hardwood management and regeneration,
food plots, and more. Lunch provided. Pre-registration
is required. RSVP to Bill Burdine at (662) 841-9000 or
25...Pittsboro, Mississippi 6 PM.
Wildlife Food Plots at the Calhoun Extension
Office, 121 Parker Street. Speaker: Dr. John Kushla.
RSVP to the Calhoun Extension at (662) 412-3177.
October 26...Online
12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Managing Bottomland Hardwoods consists of two
parts, a webinar (October 26) and a field tour (October
28 or October 29). Participants may participate in the
in-person field tour on either October 28 or 29. Tour
times are 9-12 or 1-4 PM on both dates. Attendance in
the field tour is not required to participate in
the webinar. The field tour will take place at Bladen
Lakes State Forest near Elizabethtown, North Carolina.
Advance registration is required for the webinar before
11 AM, October 26. If you
need assistance connecting to the webinar email
October 27-28...Athens,
Forest Appraisal at Flinchum’s Phoenix, 650
Phoenix Road. Instructor: Morgan
Mellette. Fee: $350. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706)
583-0566 or
October 28...Tuscaloosa
County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
at Woods & Water, Inc., 5101 Summit Ridge, Tuscaloosa.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $50; youth under 15 admitted free. Call the Alabama
Wildlife Federation at (334) 285-4550.
October 29...Albany,
Georgia 7:30 AM - 1 PM ET.
Tall Timbers Fall Field Day at Nilo Plantation,
3417 Nilo Drive. Enjoy a field tour around the property
along with management discussions covering Wild Quail,
Trophy Deer, Storm Clean-up and Reforestation, and Early
Season Dove Fields. Fee: $50; breakfast & lunch
provided. For more information call Tall Timbers at
29...Tuscaloosa County 8 AM.
Tuscaloosa County Natural Resources Planning
Committee Fall Tour at Riverview Farm, off
Maxwell Loop Road, three miles south of Shelton State
from Highway 69. Topics include Dove Field
Management, Hardwood Management, Food Plots,
Silvopasture, Orchard/Fruit Tree Management,
Pollinators/Honeybees, Shooting Sports, and Archery Demonstration.
Fee: $10; catfish lunch provided. Contact Neil Hargle at
(205) 349-4630 or
> November 2021
November 1-3...Amelia Island, Florida.
Timberland Investment Conference at The Ritz-Carlton,
4750 Amelia Island Parkway. Fee: $1,995; $150 discount
if paid by October 22.
Contact Joe Parsons at (706) 389-8424 or
November 3...Autauga
County 8 AM - 2 PM.
Annual Fall Landowner Tour at 3495 County Road
26, Billingsley. GPS Coord.:
32.65702, -86.75982 The tour will cover Growth
Comparison of 26 year old Loblolly and Longleaf, Tree
Girdling for Wildlife, Planting Failure, and more. Fee: $15; lunch provided. For more
information call Matthew Sorrells at (334) 239-5258 or
November 3...Online 12
- 1 PM CT.
Turtles of Alabama will be presented via
webinar. Speaker: Dr. Wesley Anderson, Alabama
Cooperative Extension System. Online registration is
required. Webinar link will be provided by email after
registration. For more information contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
November 3…Shiloh, Tennessee 5:30
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting
at Hagy’s Catfish Hotel, 1140 Catfish Lane. Program will
feature discussion on Growing White Oaks in Tennessee.
Speaker: Dr. Wayne Clatterbuck. Fee: $25; meal included.
RSVP to Dana
Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
November 4...Butler
County 10 AM.
Board Meeting of Alabama Forever Wild Land Trust
at the Wendell Mitchell Conference Center, Lurleen B.
Wallace Community College, 750 Greenville Bypass,
Greenville. This meeting
will provide an opportunity for any individual who would
like to make comments concerning the program. The public
is invited to attend this meeting and is urged to submit
comments. For more information call (334) 242-3484.
Editor's Note: Here are some questions you may consider
asking yourself and others. Should the state provide
recreational activity property? Is recreation a necessary service?
Does the state need more public land to compete with
recreational opportunities (many of which are already)
provided by private forestland owners? Will more public
land that doesn't pay taxes put pressure on private
landowners to (eventually) pay more in taxes? Yet, is it
not correct that Forever Wild property (over 271,000
acres) does not pay property taxes?
November 4...Online
12 Noon - 2 PM CT.
Forestry Forecast will be presented via webinar.
This short webinar will discuss Forestry updates and
forecasts for the upcoming planting season and next
year. Lumber prices went through a drastic change in
2021 and we want to explain why! Participants will also
be given a range of information including a
meteorologist’s planting season forecast, Mill/Nursery
updates, and an opportunity to ask questions regarding
anything forestry to our panelists. Register in advance.
For more information contact Chris Demers at (352)
846-2375 or
November 4...Clarke
County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off
at Old Grove Hill Academy Football Field, 15471 Highway
43, Grove Hill.
Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes,
youth activities, and sample wild game recipes.
Fee: $50; $10 discount if paid in advance. Youth under 15 admitted free. Call the Alabama
Wildlife Federation at (334) 285-4550.
November 5...Lee
County 8 AM - 2 PM.
SmartMap 1.0 Workshop at the Charles C. Miller
Jr. Poultry Research and Education Center, 1088 Auburn
Lakes Road, Auburn. SmartMap 1.0 introduces audiences to
low-cost and easy-to-use geospatial mapping apps for
smartphones and tablets. The class reviews the basics of
geographic information systems (GIS), GPS and smartphone
applications. It provides hands-on tutorials to give
attendees experience using these technologies. This
workshop also introduces audiences to UAS technology and
its applications for video capture and forest mapping.
Fee: $45. Contact Beau Brodbeck at (251) 259-6507 or
November 6...St. Clair
County 9 AM - 12 Noon.
Wreath Making with Forest Products at First
Baptist Church, Odenville. This workshop will show the
participants how items in their woodland can be used for
alternate purposes such as craft projects. Fee: $15. For
more information contact Lynn Dickinson at (334)
303-8360 or
November 6-7...Marion County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at the Byrd Volunteer Fire Department, 225 County
Highway 13, Detroit. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. This workshop is
adult only. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10
for adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
8-10...Jackson, Tennessee.
Lumber Grading Shortcourse at the University of
Tennessee Experiment Station. Fee: $100; lunch included
each day. For more information contact Larry Pitts at
(931) 572-8592 or
November 9...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
ForestHer: Alternative Income Opportunities will be presented via
Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Extension Specialist and Assistant
Professor, Dr. Adam Maggard, discusses alternative
opportunities to generate revenue from your forestland. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
9-10....Athens, Georgia.
Healthy Forests: Managing for Bugs, Wildlife, and Big
Trees at Flinchum’s Phoenix, 650
Phoenix Road. Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth McCarty.
Fee: $350; $50 discount if paid by October 19. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
November 10...Nationwide 10:00 AM to 10:15 AM (Central
News Conference for Forest Owners.
This 15 minute telephone/Internet conference
will feature state & national experts, researchers & authors
on breaking issues, current research, can't-miss
educational events, books & publications, timber market
update and more. To
listen live call AFOA to register at (205) 624-2225.
Listen on the web or download to listen on your device
of choice: November 10, 2021 CI -- Live! This will be a
link once program is finished and available.
Click Here for Index to
Past Conferences.
November 10...Online 6 PM CT.
Rubs and Scrapes: The 411 on How Deer Communicate will
be presented via Zoom. This webinar is part of the
National Deer Association’s (NDA) Beer and Deer Webinar
Series. Speaker: Kip Adams, National Deer
Association. Registration required. For more information call
November 11...Coosa
County 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
Landowner Tour on the Robinson Property off of
County Road 93 near the Cottage Grove Community. GPS
Coordinates: 32.84493, -86.11344 Topics will
include Vegetation control using drones, Upland Oak
management, Invasive plants, Recreational trail
development, and Herbicide safety. Lunch provided. For
more information and to register, call the Coosa County
Extension at (256) 377-4713.
November 11...Shelby
County 6 - 8 PM.
Dinner and Discussion at
Nino's Italian Restaurant, 2698 Pelham Parkway,
Pelham. No-host dinner at 6
PM. After dinner we plan to include a presentation by
Alex MacIntosh. Alex will describe the NCX Carbon
Program for Alabama landowners. Limited
seating. To attend,
RSVP AFOA at (205) 624-2225 or
If you can't make it in-person to the
Dinner & Discussion, but would still like to hear the
NCX presentation you may join the presentation via Zoom.
The presentation is scheduled to start at 6:45 PM CT.
Register at this link:
15-17...Baldwin County.
GIS of Alabama Conference at The Lodge at Gulf
State Park, 21196 East Beach Boulevard, Gulf Shores. GIS
professionals will be given the opportunity to share,
experience, and learn new tips, tricks, and ideas in the
GIS profession. Fee: $225. Register by October 29. For
more information contact Jaime Lambert at (334) 517-2559
November 16...Montgomery County.
Special Primary Election for
the vacant House District
76 seat. This seat was previously held by state
Representative Thad McClammy. If necessary, a runoff
will take place December 14, 2021. The special general election
will be held March 1,
November 16 & 18...Montgomery
County 5:30 - 9:30 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at the
Dalraida Church of Christ, 3740 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery. No fee.
This is a two night class and you must attend both
classes. To register, call Chip McEwen at (334) 224-7011. Successfully
completing an approved hunter education course is
mandatory for all non-supervised Alabama hunting license
buyers born on or after August 1, 1977. There are some
exceptions. There are other courses being taught at
various locations and dates as well as online only
courses. For additional information contact Marisa Futral at 1-800-245-2740 or
November 16-18...Waycross,
Longleaf Academy: Fire & Longleaf 201 at the
Georgia Forestry Commission - Herty Building, 5003
Jacksonville Highway. This workshop will guide
landowners and natural resource professionals through
the longleaf-specific considerations to address when
planning to burn, and contribute to achieving more
desirable effects when managing with fire. Instructors
will guide participants through evaluating, planning,
igniting and managing prescribed fires. This meeting has
masks required at times. For more information call the
Longleaf Alliance at (334) 427-1029.
November 17...Online
12 - 1 PM CT.
Trail Cameras: Looking at Wildlife and Analyzing Data
will be presented via webinar. Speaker: Keery Steedly,
Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Online
registration is required. Webinar link will be provided
by email after registration. For more information
contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
> December 2021
December 1...Guyton,
Georgia 10 AM - 12 Noon ET.
Forestry & Wildlife Landowner Expo at the Mary
Kahrs Warnell Forest Education Center, 5960 GA-17 South.
Get connected with multiple natural resource
organizations and discover sources of professional
assistance, financial incentives, and other programs
available to help you achieve your forestry and wildlife
management goals on your property. Contact Susan French
at (813) 391-4476 or
December 1...Online 12
- 1 PM CT.
Alabama Timber Market Update will be presented
via webinar. Speaker: Dr. Adam Maggard, Alabama
Cooperative Extension System. Online registration is
required. Webinar link will be provided by email after
registration. For more information contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
December 1-3...Online.
National Heirs Property Conference
will create an opportunity for 100 heirs’ property
landowners to get practical information for resolving
their heirs’ property issues including an in-depth
12-month checklist to guide their efforts to clear
title, create an estate plan, resolve family conflicts,
and much more. Registration required. Fee: $250. For more
information call the Federation of Southern
Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund at (404) 765-0991.
December 2...Burns,
Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association Regional Meeting
at Montgomery Bell State Park Lodge, 1000 Hotel Avenue.
Topic: Forest Health Issues. Fee: $25;
meal included. RSVP to Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
December 2...Online 7 - 9 PM
Year-end Tax Planning for Farmers will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Topics to include deferring taxes,
retirement planning, accelerating depreciation, income
averaging, sale of farm assets, net operating losses,
and more. Fee: $10. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
December 3...Online
at 11 - 11:15 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest:
Wood Ducks in the Woods
will join Jason Fisher to learn more about the beautiful
and unique wood duck. The webinar will be held via a Zoom
meeting. Zoom Meeting Details - Join:
Meeting ID: 975 0908 9739 For more information
contact Jason Fisher at
(434) 476-2147 or
December 4-5...Butler County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at the Butler County Forestry Commission, 59 Fire Tower
Road, Greenville. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10 for
adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
December 6...Tupelo,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Lee County Forestry Association Meeting at the
Lee County Extension Office, 5338 Cliff Gookin
Boulevard, Tupelo. Topic: Hardwood Management.
Speaker: Dr. John Kushla. For more information or to
RSVP call Lee County Extension at (662) 841-9000.
December 6...Online 6 PM
Timber Taxation will be held virtually. Timber
Tax information will be presented by Dr. Shaun Tanger,
Mississippi State University. For more information call
Calhoun County Extension at (662) 412-3177.
December 6-7...Athens, Georgia.
Forestry and Natural Resource Management GIS Conference at The
Georgia Center for Continuing Education, 1197 South
Lumpkin Street. This conference encompasses topics
related to the use of Geographic Information Systems
(GIS) in forestry and natural resource management.
Topics will include Mapping, UAVS, Forest Inventory,
Natural hazards, Recreation, Forest economics, GPS,
LiDar, Remote sensing, and more. The conference will be
held in hybrid format: Limited in-person attendance and
remote attendance will be accommodated through the
Georgia Center. Fee: $350. Remote: $150. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
December 8...Athens, Georgia
7:30 AM - 5 PM ET.
Sustainability, Markets, and Forestry BMPs at
Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Room
1-304. Instructors: Dr. Puneet Dwivedi and Dr. Jay
Shelton. Fee: $$250. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
December 8...Online
8 - 11 AM CT.
Ecosystem Enrichments is a half day clinic
focused on wildlife enhancements and forest health
management tips for controlling invasive species. Fee:
$39. For more information contact Danielle Atkins at
(706) 631-4440 or
December 8...Online 6 PM CT.
Drugs and Tasers: Research to Train the Next Class of
Deer Managers will
be presented via Zoom. This webinar is part of the
National Deer Association’s (NDA) Beer and Deer Webinar
Series. Speaker: Dr. Gino D'Angelo, University of
Georgia. Registration required. For more information call
December 8-9...Online.
Timber Market Analysis
will be presented via Zoom Webinar. This class walks
through the process to understand, track, and analyze
the price, demand, supply, and competitive dynamics of
local timber markets and wood baskets. Instructors: Dr. Brooks Mendell, Amanda Lang,
and Shawn Baker. Fee: $650. Contact Heather Clark at (770) 725-8447 or
December 9...Marengo
County 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
Sawmill Tour at Two Rivers Lumber Company, LLC,
970 Industrial Park Road, Demopolis. Tour one of
Alabama's newest and most technically advanced sawmills.
The tour will conclude with lunch and door prizes. Space
is limited. Contact Cliff O'Rear at (205) 493-0190 or
December 9...Lamar
County 1 - 3 PM.
Pecan Workshop at First Free Will Baptist
Church, 176 2nd Avenue NW, Vernon. This program will
help attendees learn how to rejuvenate their trees and
properly manage their orchards to promote greater
yields. Regional Extension Agent, Lucy Edwards, will
discuss variety selection, planting and care, and pecan
pest management. For more information contact Jerry
Smith at (205) 695-7139 or
December 9...Jackson,
Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association Regional Meeting
at Catfish Cabin, 1290 S. Highland Avenue. Fee: $25;
meal included. RSVP to Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
December 9...Ashland,
Mississippi 6 PM.
Benton County Forestry Meeting at the Benton
County Agricenter, 17136 Highway 5, Ashland. Topics:
Firewise and Christmas Tree Farming. Speakers: Butch
Bailey and Dr. John Kushla. For more information or to
RSVP call Benton County Extension at (662) 224-6330.
December 9...Online 7 - 9 PM
Basic Estate Planning will be held via Zoom
Meeting. Topics to include: Advance Directives
for Health Care, Power of Attorney, and Wills. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
December 11-12...Talladega County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at Hatchett Creek Farms/Hollins WMA, 5379 County Road 7,
Talladega. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10 for
adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
December 14...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Wild Pigs will be presented via
Zoom. This lunch and learn is for women that own
forestland or are just interested in learning more about
forestry in a relaxed, fun setting. Join during your
lunch break as Extension Specialist and Wildlife
Biologist, Bence Carter, discusses the impacts that wild
pigs have on our native ecosystems and how to
effectively manage them. Pre-registration required. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
December 14...Crossville,
Tennessee 5:30 PM.
Tennessee Forestry Association Regional Meeting
at Forte's on the Square (upstairs area), 27 East 4th
Street, Crossville. Topic: Goals and Plans for
Forestry Extension in Tennessee. Speaker: Dr. Ashley
Stokes, Dean of Extension, University of Tennessee. Fee: $25;
meal included. RSVP to Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or
December 14-15...Athens, Georgia.
Wildlife Management at
Flinchum’s Phoenix, 650 Phoenix Drive. Topics will
include managing forest stands for wildlife and timber,
managing for white-tailed deer and game bird species in
the Southeast, things to consider when planting food
plots and other wildlife plantings, and other principles
and applications of wildlife-habitat management
techniques. Fee: $350; $50 discount if paid by November
30. Contact Ingvar Elle at (706) 583-0566 or
Mapping with Drones will be presented via Zoom.
This is an intensive, yet introductory level workshop,
and can be considered a ‘drone boot camp’. No previous
knowledge or experience with drones, sUAS, or GIS is
required. Fee: $200. For more information email John
McGee at
December 15...Online
12 - 1 PM CT.
Brown Spot Needle Blight of Loblolly Pine will
be presented via webinar. Speaker: Dr. Lori Eckhardt,
Auburn University. Online registration is required.
Webinar link will be provided by email after
registration. For more information contact Bence Carter at (334) 693-3800 or
December 15...Online
1 PM CT.
Preparing for Future Challenges webinar will be
presented via Zoom. The webinar will discuss predicted
changes in the southern forest resource, how they may
impact forest health, current tools for detecting forest
health issues, and a plan for responding to possible
pandemics in pines. If you need assistance connecting to
the webinar email
December 16...Online 7 -
9 PM
Using Trusts in Estate Planning will
be presented via Zoom. This program will cover trusts
and their uses in estate planning including topics such
as living or testamentary, revocable or irrevocable,
grantor or non-grantor, joint or separate, funding,
creditor protection, and more. Fee: $10. Contact Robert Tufts at
(334) 734-2120 or
December 18-19...Bibb County.
Alabama Adult and Youth Trappers Education Workshop
at 5252 Hwy 219, Centreville. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of
trapping, biological information concerning furbearers
and furbearer management, and allows students to learn
the proper techniques that include the use of trapping
as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7
and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10 for
adults. Contact
Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or
December 30...Online 8
- 9 AM.
Summer Wildlife Management will show how
wildlife management is a year-round process and not just
reserved for the months leading up to hunting seasons.
This webinar will focus on practices that can be
conducted to improve habitat for game species and
overall value of the property. Not all of these
strategies must be implemented in the first year.
However, it is important to have a plan and goals, which
will help make implementing these strategies more
likely. Fee: $10. Contact Bence Carter at (334)
389-4055 or
End of 2021 Calendar of Past Events