Alabama Forest Owners' Association, Inc.                 Advocate for the Forest Owner

Services & Supplies Categories

Aerial Photographs, GIS, & Maps

Certified Public Accountants

Chemical Vegetation Management

Consulting Forester
Member ACF

Consulting Forester

Family Wealth Management

Forestry Equipment, Portable Sawmills, & Tools

Hunting Gear, Guns, etc.


Land For Sale

Land Management

Nuisance Wildlife Control

Pond Management

Posted Signs

Real Estate Appraisals

Real Estate Loans

Timber Buyer

Timber Market Pricing Service

Timber Sale Assistance

Tree Planting Equipment & Services

Tree Seed For Sale

Tree Seedlings For Sale

Woodland Mulching





Calendar of Current Events

  • Last Update: 02/17/2025
  • Send Information for Calendar to: AFOA

> February 2025

February 16-22...Statewide.
Alabama Arbor Week is a good week to include the family in your tree planting activities. Send AFOA a picture of your children or grandchildren planting a tree, or post one to the AFOA MeWe page or AFOA Facebook page.

February 17-21...Tallapoosa County 8 AM. Rescheduled, was originally February 10-14.
Learn & Burn at Wind Creek State Park, Alexander City. Participants will experience a day-long “start to finish” learning opportunity. Actively participate with ignition patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed burn will be conducted on the first available burn window between February 10-14. Depending on weather conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days advanced notice before the program is held. Register early as space is usually limited. Lunch provided. For more information contact Bence Carter at (334) 481-2149 or

February 20...Marengo County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at George Franks Field at Demopolis City Landing, 850 North Main Avenue, Demopolis. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50; includes two adults. Youth under 15 free. Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation at (334) 285-4550.

February 20-21...Elmore County.
Alabama Rivers and Streams Network Annual Meeting at the Alabama Nature Center NaturePlex, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook. Learn more about conservation of aquatic species and how water resources impact our health. For more information contact Rebecca Bearden at (205) 247-3623 or

February 22...Autauga County 9 AM - 5 PM.
Traditional Hunter Education Course at Bass Pro Shop, 2553 Rocky Mount Road, Prattville. No fee. This is a one day class. A one hour lunch break will be given. Bring your own lunch or plan where to eat. To register, call Vernon McEwen at (334) 224-7011. Successfully completing an approved hunter education course is mandatory for all non-supervised Alabama hunting license buyers born on or after August 1, 1977. There are some exceptions. There are other courses being taught at various locations and dates as well as online only courses. If you have additional questions, call the Hunter Education office at 1-800-245-2740.

February 22...Micanopy, Florida 9 AM - 3 PM ET.
North Florida Outdoor Expo at the Cuscowilla Nature and Retreat Center, 210 Southeast 134 Avenue. This is a family fun event for outdoor enthusiasts including hunters, fishermen, hikers, campers, water recreation, and anything in between. Visit with vendors to find all of the outdoor products you could want, and purchase them on location! This family fun event will have a ton of natural resource education, guided nature walks, and lots of activities for youth and adults! Fee: $5; Children under 5 free. For more information contact Chris Demers at (352) 846-2375 or

February 22-23...Pike County.
Trappers Education Workshop at Coastal Plain Land & Timber, 3880 County Road 1165, Troy. The workshop passes on the historical aspects of trapping, biological information concerning furbearers and furbearer management, and allows students to learn the proper techniques that include the use of trapping as a sound wildlife management tool. Recommended ages 7 and up. Pre-registration is required. Fee: $10. Contact Mike Sievering at (205) 340-1183 or

February 24-28...Calhoun County 8 AM.
Learn & Burn at a location announced to registered participants. Participants will experience a day-long “start to finish” learning opportunity. Actively participate with ignition patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed burn will be conducted on the first available burn window between February 24-28. Depending on weather conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days advanced notice before the program is held. Register early as space is usually limited. Lunch provided. For more information contact Brad Nail at (334) 481-2154 or

February 24-28...Henry County 8 AM.
Learn & Burn at a location announced to registered participants. Participants will experience a day-long “start to finish” learning opportunity. Actively participate with ignition patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed burn will be conducted on the first available burn window between February 24-28. Depending on weather conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days advanced notice before the program is held. Register early as space is usually limited. Lunch provided. For more information contact Bence Carter at (334) 481-2149 or

February 25...Iuka, Mississippi 6:30 PM.
Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) at the Tishomingo County Fairgrounds. Speaker: James Shannon. For more information or to RSVP, call (662) 423-7016.

February 27...Jackson County 8:45 AM - 3:30 PM.
Feral Hog & Wildlife Management Workshop at the Goose Pond Colony Resort, 417 Ed Hembree Drive, Scottsboro. This workshop will provide an overview of feral hog biology, damage impact, control methods, and an on-site trapping demonstration. Management of wild turkey and deer and their associated habitat will also be presented. For more information contact Norm Haley at (256) 574-2143 or

February 27...Lee County 2 PM.
Forest Finance and Economics: Making Investment Decisions in Times of Uncertainty at The Hotel at Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center, 241 South College Street, Auburn. This newly created lecture series was established by the College of Forestry, Wildlife & Environment's founding dean, Emmett F. Thompson. Speaker: Brooks Mendell, Forisk Consulting. RSVP to Alex Doss at Editor's Note: Emmett Thompson served on AFOA's board of directors for several years.

February 27-28...Brunswick, Georgia.
The Woman Landowner Symposium at Marshes of Glynn Baptist Church, 3780 Highway 82. Fee: $225; $50 discount if paid by November 27, 2024. For more information contact Danielle Atkins at (706) 631-4440 or

February 28...Online at 11:15 - 11:30 AM CT.
Fifteen Minutes in the Forest: Stay Safe in the Woods will join Virginia Forest Landowner Education Program's Jennifer Gagnon, Dr. Anja Whittington, and Sarah Michaels as they discuss how to prepare to be safe during your woodland adventures, and how to handle injuries in the woods. This event will be held via Facebook Live and YouTube Premier. For more information contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or View on Youtube.  View on Facebook.


> March 2025

March 3-7...Shelby County 8 AM.
Learn & Burn at a location announced to registered participants. Participants will experience a day-long “start to finish” learning opportunity. Actively participate with ignition patterns, holding techniques, and mop up. The prescribed burn will be conducted on the first available burn window between March 3-7. Depending on weather conditions, selected participants will be given 2 days advanced notice before the program is held. Register early as space is usually limited. Lunch provided. For more information contact Brad Nail at (334) 481-2154 or

March 5...Jefferson County 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Dr. A. Across Alabama at Auburn in Birmingham, 2013-15 4th Avenue North, Birmingham. Join Auburn University's Dean Janaki Alavalapati, as he shares updates on current initiatives and his vision for the future of the College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment. For more information contact Alex Doss at (334) 844-1983 or

March 6...Houston County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at The Plant, 308 N. St. Andrews Street, Dothan. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50 for up to 2 adults. Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.

March 11...Multiple Counties.
Special Primary Election for vacant Alabama State Senate District 5. The seat became vacant due to State Representative Greg Reed being appointed to Governor Ivey's administration. A runoff, if needed, will be held April 8, and the special general election will be June 24. Not sure what district you live in? Here is the Alabama State Senate District 5 map.

March 11...Online 5:30 - 6:30 PM.
Small Ruminant Webinar Series (4 of 4) will be presented via Zoom. This is the final webinar in the series. For more information contact Dr. Felix Uchenna Samuel at (256) 924-0984 or

March 12...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Getting to Know Alabama's Little Green Alien, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) will be presented via Zoom. Attend this webinar to learn more about the EAB from Kristy McAndrew, Mississippi State University. For more information contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or  Here is an article about the EAB on the Alabama Cooperative Extension website.

March 12-13...Amelia Island, Florida.
Timberland Investment Conference at The Ritz-Carlton, 4750 Amelia Island Parkway. This is your opportunity to learn more about timberland markets and trade on a global level. Hear from experts about changes in policies, economics, markets, and investments. Fee: $2,195; $145 discount if paid by February 1. For more information contact Erin Lincoln at (601) 608-8718 or

March 13...Crenshaw County 4:30 PM.
Pine Beetle 101: Exploring Species and Their Impact at the Tom Harbin Center, 816 Airport Road, Luverne. Come learn about the incredible diversity of beetles, discover how to build a resilient forest, and gain insights into the harvesting and milling process. The event will feature a comprehensive round table discussion, providing attendees the chance to ask questions and engage with experts in the field. Dinner provided. For more information or to RSVP, contact Amanda Evans at (334) 335-6312 or

March 15...Talladega County 4 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Talladega Superspeedway, 3366 Speedway Boulevard, Talladega. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50; Youth 15 and under free. Call the Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.

March 19...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Native Forest Insect Pests of the Southern U.S.: Biology, Management, and Impact will be presented via Zoom. This webinar will give an update on pine pests impacting the southeast, including southern pine beetle, Ips spp., and Nantucket pine tip moth. If you need assistance connecting to the webinar email

March 22...Newton, Georgia 10 AM - 2 PM ET.
Ichauway Open House at Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, 3988 Jones Center Drive. Visitors may take a wagon ride through the longleaf pine ecosystem, travel through research labs, visit a food truck, and much more. Contact Jessica McCorvey at (229) 734-4706 or

March 25...Cherokee County 10 AM - 1 PM.
AL/GA Mountain Longleaf Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) Workshop at the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce, 801 Cedar Bluff Road, #A, Centre. Attend to learn about writing burn plans, available financial assistance, and discuss the prescribed burn association. Lunch provided. For more information call Ryan Mitchell at (850) 758-8559.

March 26...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Cogongrass Identification & Control will be presented via Zoom. Speaker: David Russell, Auburn University. For more information contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or

March27...Knoxville, Tennessee 5:30 PM ET.
Tennessee Forestry Association (TFA) Regional Meeting at Calhoun's on the River, 400 Neyland Drive. Program topic is to-be-determined. Fee: $TBD. For more information contact Dana Howard at (615) 883-3832 or


> April 2025

April 3...Online 9 AM - 4 PM CT.
Applied Forest Finance will be presented via Zoom Webinar. The class details the step-by-step financial analysis required to answer key investment and forest management questions. Learn how to identify, value, and rank timber and forestry investments. Fee: $580; $80 discount if paid by March 20. CE hours available. For more information contact Pamela Smith at (770) 725-8447 or

April 5...Chilton County.
Christmas Tree Workshop will be held at Neely Farms near Thorsby. The workshop will focus on the basic needs and techniques for a new grower to establish and operate a choose and cut Christmas tree farm. If you are in the early stages of operating a choose and cut farm, just exploring the idea or planning the opportunity, attending this workshop will better equip you with valuable “hands-on” information. Fee: $TBD. For more information or to register, contact Michael Buchart at (225) 505-6335 or

April 7 - June 9...Online.
Online Woodland Options for Landowners is a 10-week self-paced online course that teaches the fundamentals of forest management. Topics include setting management goals, forest history, stewardship, marking boundary lines, using maps, using soil surveys, forest ecology, and more. Upon completion of the class, you can have a draft forest management plan. The class wraps up with an optional end-of-the-semester hands-on field trip in a location and date still to-be-determined. Fee: $55/family. For more information contact Jennifer Gagnon at (540) 231-6391 or

April 9...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
An Overview of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Agricultural Land will be presented via Zoom. Speaker: Mykel Taylor, Auburn University. For more information contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or

April 17...Elmore County 6 PM.
Wild Game Cook-Off at Alabama Wildlife Federation Headquarters, 3050 Lanark Road, Millbrook. Attend the cook-off and enjoy live music, door prizes, youth activities, and sample wild game recipes. Fee: $50 for up to 2 adults. Youth 15 and under free. For more information call the Alabama Wildlife Federation at 1-800-822-9453.


April 22-23...Tuscaloosa County.
Location: Headquartered at the Hotel Capstone, 320 Paul Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401.
Location on Google Maps.

Reserve Your Room:
Call (205) 752-3200. To access AFOA's block of rooms, mention the Alabama Forest Owners' Association - Group Code 250422ALFO.   You may also book your Hotel Capstone room here: Lodging

Overview: Tuesday Tour(s), Tuesday Evening Reception, Tuesday Dinner will be On-Your-Own, Wednesday Main Conference includes Refreshments & Lunch. The Regular Attendee Registration Form (just below) will contain the most up-to-date details.


     Regular Attendees:  Registration Form  Must be printed and mailed in with payment.


     Exhibitors and/or Sponsors:  Registration Form  Must be printed and mailed in with payment.


April 23...Online 12 Noon - 1 PM CT.
Managing Degraded Hardwood Stand will be presented via Zoom. Speaker: Brady Self, Mississippi State University. For more information contact Norm Haley at (256) 630-4248 or

> May 2025

May 2-3...Courtland, Ohio.
International Firewood Expo at 899 Everett Hull Road, Courtland. The Expo will showcase some of the best firewood equipment in the industry. For more information email Joe at

End of Current Calendar of Events

Cal Sources