2020 Costs and Trends of Southern Forestry Practices Survey

If you own forestland in southern states (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, MO, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA), please help us improve information for forest landowners by participating in the 2020 Costs and Trends of Southern Forestry Practices Survey.

This questionnaire is used not only to better understand the cost of current forestry practices but also as a long-term study about how costs and management practices have changed over time and what influenced those changes. The responses from this survey are important in shaping the narrative of forestry practices in the south and influencing policy decisions that affect private forest landowners. However, this questionnaire, which has been historically distributed via paper mail, has seen decreased participation in recent years.

To streamline this process and increase participation, the format for the 2020 questionnaire provides:

Accessing The Questionnaire:

To fill out the questionnaire reporting the costs of forestry practices in your area, please use the following link: https://auburn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3dX4e17uwg4FYSa

Your total time commitment will be approximately 45 minutes depending on the availability of your information. If you do not manage or own any forestland in the states mentioned above, please disregard this notice.


Contact Adam Maggard, Ph. D., Alabama Cooperative Extension Specialist and Assistant Professor, School of Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University, by email: adam0074@auburn.edu or by phone: 334.844.2401

Adam O. Maggard, PhD
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist
Auburn University
School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Alabama Cooperative Extension System
3325 Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building (Office)
602 Duncan Drive, Auburn, Alabama 36849-3418 (Address)