The majority of logging operations utilize some type of load log. This
regulation would require certain information to be recorded on a log and within
10 days of the job completion the logger would give a copy of this log to the
timber seller. This would greatly reduce the number of complaints received that
allege that the logger did not fully pay the timber seller for all the timber
harvested. Each load that leaves the job site would be numbered and when the
driver returns the corresponding scale ticket number would be recorded on the
Loggers that do not utilize any type of log are normally the ones our agency
receives complaints against. Requiring this type log would also help the owner
of the logging operation to track each load and would reduce the opportunity for
a driver to divert a load of timber.
RULE 390-X-11-.01
(1) A loader’s log must be kept on all timber harvesting sites where the seller
will be paid for the volume (i.e. tons, cords etc.) and/or type of timber
removed from the property. On these per – unit sales, upon completion of the
harvest, the purchaser must provide the timber seller a copy of the loader’s log
within 10 days. The loader’s log must be made available for inspection on the
job site by any Forest Investigator or other employee as designated by the State
Forester. On any active job site it is the responsibility of the loader operator
or supervisor of the job site to keep this record.
(2) Each loader log must contain the following information:
(a)Loader make and model – each loader used must be identified on the loaders log book by make and model;
(b) Load number – each load of timber leaving a cutting site must be assigned a load number. Load numbers for each job site must be in numerical sequence;
(c) County – the county where the timber was severed. In the alternative, the log may note the section, township, and range or latitude and longitude (as verified by a GPS device) from which the timber was severed;
(d) Landowner’s name – the name of the owner of the land where the timber is being severed. On multiple ownership land, the name of the estate, corporation, or what the site is commonly known as, may be entered. On industrial lands, the company tract number may be listed;
(e) Date and Time – the date and time the forest product is loaded on the truck;
(f) Scale Ticket – A scale ticket number that corresponds to each load number shall be recorded to verify delivery of individual loads of forest product;
(g) Product – The forest product type must be clearly identified, for example pine logs, pine poles, pine pulp, hardwood logs, hardwood pulp, chip and saw, woody biomass, and miscellaneous forest products. The following symbols may be used: PL-pine logs; PP-pine pulp; HWL- hardwood logs; HWP-hardwood pulp; C&S-chip and saw, WB-woody biomass. Any other forest product must be written out.
(h) Destination – The first wood-receiving facility that the forest product is being transported to;
(i) Loader’s Name – The name of the individual loading the timber. Name must be as shown on the loaders drivers license.;
(j) Driver’s Name – The name of the driver transporting the load. Name must be as shown on the drivers CDL.
3. All information recorded on this log must be printed and legible.
4. Failure to record each load of timber at the job site is a violation of this
5. The loader log must be maintained by the purchaser for 3 years and must be
made available for inspection by any Forest Investigator or other forestry
commission employee as designated by the State Forester.
6. Any person, firm or corporation that violates any of the provisions of this
regulation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided by
Author: Charles T. Conway
Statutory authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §9-3-9