Pine Straw
Prepared by:
George Rowland (662) 534-7651
The North Central Mississippi RC&D Council has received a $24,000 grant from the U.S. Forest Service to develop a “Pine Straw Market” in North Mississippi.
Our RC&D Council wants to educate and make forest landowners aware of the excellent opportunity to bale and sell loblolly pine straw to landscapers, nurseries, construction contractors and others as mulch throughout north Mississippi and surrounding areas.
The demand for pine straw as landscape mulch is increasing. However, other states such as Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and Louisiana are selling and transporting the pine straw mulch to our state. Pine straw can definitely be a profitable business. Pine straw was a $50 million dollar business in North Carolina in 1996 and a $25 million dollar industry in Georgia.
- Pine stands starting at age 8-10 years can produce 100-150 bales of pine straw per acre per year
- Price for pine straw bales range from: $3-$8 per bale for square bales and $10-$12 for round bales
- Pine straw bales approximate weight: Square bales - 15 pounds; Round bales - 40 pounds
- Pine straw uses include: mulch for home and commercial landscapes, pathways, construction sites
- Harvesting pine straw is extremely labor intensive
- Pine trees shed their needles from August-January
- Studies show that 30-40 pounds of nitrogen is lost for 100 bales of straw per acre harvested
- Pine straw conserves moisture, will not wash away and will not attract termites like other wood mulches
- Pine straw is a renewable resource
- Baling pine straw reduces the risk of wild fires in pine stands
- Pine straw is an attractive low cost mulch and easy to spread by homeowners
Pine Straw Webpage :
East Texas
Pine Straw Webpage:
Rome, GA - Pine Straw Equipment Dealer: