Herbicides for Timber and Wildlife Management
Michelle Isenberg
Forestry Specialist
Associate Wildlife Biologist


Reasons for using Herbicides for Timber and Wildlife Management

Site Preparation
Herbaceous Weed Control
Early Pine Release
Mid-Rotation Release
Habitat Restoration for Wildlife
Exotic Invasive Species Control

Site Preparation:
                            After your final cut, sites tend to have resprouting of competing species of hardwoods, therefore before planting consider a herbicide prescription tailored to your property. After spraying herbicides, an optional burn can be used to reduce the fuel load prior to planting.

Herbaceous Weed Control:
                            After you have planted your baby pine trees, consider spraying the weedy competition for your new pines to get a head start on life. Generally, weed control is done from late February thru June depending on where the property is located and what type of pine tree was planted.
                            If you have planted longleaf or slash pine, these trees are more susceptible to damage from herbicides, consult a professional before applying.

Early Pine Release:
If you did not have an opportunity or a need to site prep with herbicides prior to planting, consider what competition has developed since the initial planting. You have many options to do a woody competition control spray the year following planting.
                            If you have planted longleaf or slash pine, these trees are more susceptible to damage from herbicides, consult a professional before applying.

Mid-Rotation Release:

If you have land that has never had any type of woody competition control and you would like to enhance the financial returns, aesthetics and hunting opportunities, consider a mid-rotation release with herbicides right over the top of your pine trees. Suggested spraying is the in fall with a follow-up burn following in the winter months. You will be enhancing pine growth and wildlife species that are tolerant to Arsenal AC.
                            If you have planted longleaf or slash pine, these trees are more susceptible to damage from herbicides, consult a professional before applying.

Habitat Restoration for Wildlife:
                            If you are thinking of restoring native wildlife species to your land, think about using herbicides as an effective tool to control undesirable species. There are several different methods, which you can choose from, whether you are converting an old field or working in a pine plantation.

Exotic Invasive Species Control:
                            Does your property have exotic invasive species? Do you know what they are and what they look like? Would you know how to control them?
                            What is an exotic invasive species? These are plants that are NOT native to Alabama or the U.S. It is important to identify them on your property and seek the assistance necessary to control them. In Alabama some to watch out for are:

                            Cogongrass, Kudzu, Privet and Tropical Soda Apple

                            Alabama has an invasive plant council; if you are interested, please let us know! ALIPC-Alabama Invasive Plant Council

Funding & Costs:

                            There are several cost share programs that are administered thru the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) that can assist landowners with the costs of herbicides on their property. Check with the NRCS office to see if you qualify for assistance on your land!

Timing of treatments:  
          Site preparation  Mid June thru leaf drop
          Herbaceous Weed Control  Mid February thru Mid June
          Early Release  August 15 thru leaf drop
          Mid-Rotation Release  August 15 thru leaf drop
          Habitat Restoration  May thru November

Species Controlled:
                            We have an extensive list of species, which we control. Please consult the label for the complete list: www.vmanswers.com

Safety of Herbicides:
                            In forestry we are working with herbicides that pose little to no threat of toxicity to humans, wildlife or fish species. The reason is simple. Our herbicides work on an enzyme found only in plants. Think of it this way. Plants photosynthesis, humans do not. Therefore we do not posses this enzyme. What happens inside the plant is that when that enzyme chain is broken the plant can no longer produce food. Ultimately, resulting in death to the plant.

Methods of Applying Herbicides:
                            Ground-Skidder, Tractor, 4-wheeler, hack & squirt

Where to buy Forestry Herbicides:
                            Most of our herbicides are sold through our distributors. Seed co-ops are not considered our distributors. It is best to purchase through our authorized distributors, as they know more about forestry herbicides than most local co-ops.

Red River-Pelham, AL  205.664.1077
UAP-T-Auburn, AL  334.887.7317
Helena-Selma, AL  334.875.2737

Professional Assistance for Herbicides:
Please consult with a professional on your property when it comes to using herbicides.

Always consult a label for specific instructions.