The Dog Hunters Ten Commandments
- Thou shall always get written permission to hunt from all
landowners concerned.
- Thou shall avoid displaying kill on vehicle or dog box.
- Thou shall never get into a public confrontation concerning
the sport of hunting with dogs.
- Thou shall recognize the rights of other legal hunters and
their legal hunting methods.
- Thou shall never cast a dog on or near any land where I
don't have written permission.
- Thou shall not hunt from public roads or vehicles, nor hold
party grouping on public road right of ways.
- Thou shall repair and replace any damaged fences or
personal property damaged by my dogs or hunting party members.
- Thou shall think safety at all times.
- Thou shall confront all hunting party members about
improper or illegal hunting techniques and educate them to ethical, safe, and
legal hunting procedures.
- Thou shall report all illegal hunting activities to the
proper authorities.