The 2000 Alabama Survey
Survey facts
- Southern Research Station – Forest Inventory and Analysis (SRSFIA)
- Conducts continuing inventories of 13 southern states
- Past surveys of Alabama are: 1936, 1953, 1963, 1972, 1982, & 1990
- The 2000 survey took three years to complete and involved 4,443 permanent
Increase in timberland area
- 71% of Alabama is covered in forest
- The 2000 survey indicates that Alabama has 22.9 million acres of forest
land, an increase of one million acres in 10 years
- 46% of the states forests are classified into hardwood forest types, while
35 percent are designated as softwood, with the remaining 19% being mixed
- Planted stands account for 24 % of the timberland area
Increase in inventory
- Total softwood volumes were up 9% to 12.7 billion cubic feet
- Total hardwood volumes were up 17% to 15.2 billion cubic feet
- Planted stands accounted for 35% of the softwood volume
Growth and removals
- Net annual growth of softwood growing-stock increased 34 percent to 884
million cubic feet per year
- Net annual growth of hardwoods increased 5 percent since 1990 to 569
million cubic feet per year
- Annual removals of softwood growing stock averaged 890 million cubic feet,
an increase of 24 percent since the previous survey
- Annual removals of hardwood growing stock averaged 407 million cubic feet,
an increase of 10 percent
- Planted stands accounted for 50 percent of softwood growth and 30 percent
of softwood removals