Longleaf Alliance Report 2/21/01

(Pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them. Click on back arrow to return to this page.)


Scalpercloseup.JPG (84079 bytes)

Area being scalped.

rearview.JPG (97531 bytes)

Row not scalped. White flags indicate where seedlings should be.
(about 18 months after planting)

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Row that was scalped and released. Seedlings are clearly visible.
(about 18 months after planting)

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Longleaf Alliance Report 2/21/01

Row of seedlings with container plug planted 2 centimeters beneath soil surface and terminal bud about 1 centimeter beneath soil surface.

minus2yearlater.JPG (124431 bytes)

Row of seedlings with container plug planted 1 centimeter beneath soil surface, but terminal bud is exposed. One centimeter (about 1/2 inch) makes a world of difference.

Minus1(yearlater).JPG (134566 bytes)

Row of seedlings with container plug extending 1 centimeter above the soil surface. Conventional wisdom said these seedlings should be dead. Not the case!

expplus1rep2.JPG (155143 bytes)